Chapter 5

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“Fuck off, they’re not here to get harassed, again.” Evan growled, stepping in front of Autumn. Freddy sized him up, a cruel smirk spread across his lips. “You’ll not always be around~!” His wink disgusted Evan, who was shaking with rage. He lost to his inner demons and struck Freddy in the face.

Freddy was on thrown on the floor, holding his face. Though, his hand didn’t hide the mischievous smirk. “I win in the end, eh Evan?” Freddy chuckled when Evan let out a loud blood curdling screech and he doubled over in pain. “Evan!” Herman yelped, running to his side and putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Luna, Hope, and Autumn stood there, horrified as they seen a large shadow-like hand that slashed at Evan’s back. Tears trailed down his cheeks but his mask hid them but small sobs managed to escape from him.

Luna broke out of her terrified state and ran to his side, helping him up. “Hey, hey it’s over.” Luna coaxed him. “No… It’s never over. It’s never over!” Evan spat, making Luna flinched. Evan then stood up, towering over Luna and grabbed her by the collar of her jacket and lifted her off the ground. Luna placed her hands on his, trying to move from his grasp but he didn’t budge.

“You think everything is ‘fine’, don’t you? I bet you haven’t even suffered once in your petty life! I bet you got to wake up everyday to feel the sun on your face, get to see your friends,” Evan couldn’t help but shake at this, his grip tightened around Luna’s jacket collar causing her to panic slightly, “You think I asked for this?? I don’t want to be here!” Evan cried out, his emotions rattled throughout his body, dropping Luna.

She fell with a hard thud, Hope and Autumn running over to her, making sure she was okay. “Evan I-..” Luna started, her eyes pleading. “Get out.”

“Wh-What?” Luna whispered, her eyes wide with disbelief. “I said get out.” Evan growled, his hand reaching for his weapon. “If you die outside of trails, you don’t come back.” Evan threatened, moving his weapon across her cheek. Luna held back the gasp and the tears when his weapon made a clean cut across, stinging like hell. “Don’t come back or else.” Evan growled, glaring at her before storming off.

Hope was the one who instantly rushed to her side, checking her over and even gently over the small cut on her cheek. “That’s going to leave a scar.” Hope told her, taking Luna’s arm and pulling it over her shoulders to help her up. “I want to talk to him.” Autumn gruffed, when Hope’s head snapped over. “No! Leave him be. He needs time to reflect and we need to get back to camp before people realize we are missing.” Hope told Autumn, who let out an angry sigh but followed.

“I can walk guys, it’s only a cut on my cheek.” Luna muttered, trying to pull away. “I’m not worried about that, I’m worried about you limping. When he dropped you, you landed on your leg wrong and I don’t want you over doing anything.” Hope told her, her grip on Luna tightened to give her the message than she wasn’t giving this up.

“Fine.” Luna muttered, but was grateful to be close to Hope, knowing that Hope had her back thick and thin. Luna couldn’t help but feel her checks burn but shook her head, focusing on where they were.

“We’re getting close, just a bit further.”


“Where’s the other three survivors?” Quentin asked. He was obviously pissed off for the fact that he had to go into three trials in a row, some only being a three man squad, because the lack of survivors for all the multiple trails that were going on at the same time.

Jake shrugged, “I don’t know. Smug was here and he’s getting his wounds treated, poor guy.”  He said with a sigh and a shake of his head. “He was chased the entire trial by The Shape and then moried. The same happened with The Hag so he has a lot of injuries that are needed to be treated.” Claudette said, coming out of the makeshift tent.

“Where are his friends then, huh!?” Quentin spat, his eyes held hatred but along with discomfort. He had been up for hours and hours on end, not getting any sleep but when he started to get extremely sleep deprived, he started to get violent and say things he truly didn’t mean.

While everyone was arguing with each other, no one noticed Dwight nervously biting his fingernails, his eyes shakily looking at everyone. That was when Nea caught his nervous glare. “Dwight!” Nea barked, making everyone go quiet.

The place echoed and everyone stopped and turned at his reddened face from all the eyes that stared at him, hungry for an answer. “I-I.. w-well you see I-” Dwight began stuttering, standing up and backing away slowly. Quentin was closing in on him and Dwight had put his arms out in front of him to protect himself. It was predator and prey, yet both on the same side.

Dwight began coughing when Quentin grabbed him by the neck. “What, you killed them? Helped them escape this god awful place? What did you do!?” Quentin howled, his saliva spraying in Dwight’s face. “I-I…” He squeaked, feeling lightheaded. Quentin had a wild look in his eyes before a hard blow connected to his face, causing him to fall hard onto the floor.

David was standing over Quentin after he helped Dwight up, “I come outta fuckin’ match to see you trying to kill him? We aren’t killers Quentin, we aren’t like them!” David now had a protective stance with Dwight behind him. Quentin looked up at David, glaring until he realized all the hostile and nervous glares that looked back at him. “Fuck you, fuck you all.” Quentin grumbled, getting up and walking back to his tent.

“What’s happening?” A soft voice came from Hope, who had Luna’s arm draped over her shoulder and had a limp. “Where have you been?!” David huffed with annoyance.

Luna noticed Dwight's down cast gaze. He feels bad for not being able to stop them. “We were just exploring. We took advantage of Dwight going to the bathroom to sneak out.” Luna told David before Hope or Autumn got a chance to explain.

“Well, looks like you had a run in with a killer. Get yourself to Claudette. All of you, Smug would enjoy seeing familiar faces.” David ordered. “Wait, what?! What happened to Smug?” Autumn asked. “Poor kid was followed by The Shape and The Hag the entire trials and got moried.” Jake explained, his eyes downcasted.

The three girls made their way to Claudette's tent, which was more to be a makeshift house. Having two cots with medicine and medical supplies organized nearly. Hope and Autumn helped Luna onto a cot then went over to Smug.

“You know, I hate being the center of attention sometimes.” Smug said with a small chuckle that caused him to groan. “Even when you look like shit, you still trying to lighten the mood.” Autumn giggled.

“You're lucky that it's only swollen and no real damage was done.” Claudette told Luna, placing some ice over her ankle. Luna winced but forced herself to relaxe, noticing the swelling slowly going down. “Thanks Claudette.” Luna smiled, her eyes closing and engulfed in the calming darkness.

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