Chapter 15

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Luna walked out of her tent, her eyes fixed on the ground when she walked to the campfire. She sat down by Boris without realizing it until he spoke. “Hey, you doing okay?” 

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Luna jumped, before letting out a nervous laugh, making Boris raise his eyebrow. “Are you okay? You seem..” Boris trailed off when he noticed that Luna was about to explode in a rant. 

“Seem upset? Responsible? Ugh..” Luna let out a frustrated grunt, her head on her hands. “I want to raise people's spirits but I seem like I’m making it worse. With Autumn now gone, Smug probably thinks I’ve abandoned him, and now with Quentin? I just…” Luna sighed, tears shimmering in her eyes but she quickly brushed them away before they became noticeable. 

“Let it go.” Boris told her after a few moments of silence. “Easier said than done.” Luna mumbled. “That’s because you haven’t done it.” Boris put it bluntly, shrugging. Luna would be lying if she didn’t feel slightly offended at that but he was right. She wasn’t giving them speeches or preventing fights, it was Boris. 

“You’re right.” Luna sighed, leaning back against a tree. “I know.” Boris said proudly, lifting his head up with a smile like he just won a spelling bee. Luna giggled, rolling her eyes at his reaction before her eyes narrowed. 

“What now?” Boris asked. “Why do you take this so lightly? Don’t this upset you?” Luna asked, making him smiled and shake his head. “It just hasn’t gotten to me yet. I just do whatever I think is best and if I’m wrong, I’ll fix it.” He explained. 

Luna took his words and thought them over then a smile came back to her dulled face. “Thanks, Boris, I really needed that.” Boris nodded in response and just watched the fire crackle and lick hungrily at their feet but they were too far away. 

Luna didn’t realize that she was shoulder to shoulder to Boris, they both just watching the fire grow. Her hope was like a small seed that was slowly blooming in her stomach that brought a smile to her face. 

She heard a weird noise that sounded like two oak branches scraping together and then realize that Boris had fallen asleep. Luna blinked and held back a laugh while she enjoyed just watching the fire and hearing his snoring. She finally felt, sure of herself.

Autumn opened her eyes only to shut them tightly when she realized she was in the Entity’s realm. She counted to ten before slowly opening her eyes but nothing happened. The landscape didn’t change but the Entity wasn’t messing with her. 

She looked around to see a cabin, so she walked towards it. For some reason, the cabin seemed really familiar. Wait, was she actually released from the Entity’s realm?? Was she actually free?? 

With this thought, she ran as fast as she could and was in front of the cabin door within seconds. She raised her fist to knock on the door but with the first knock, the door creaked open. 

It was dark but Autumn could hear hushed whispers from the other side of the door. “H-Hello? My name’s Autumn and I’m lost. I was wondering-” 

She was rudely cut off by the giggles that erupted from the other side. Autumn grew frustrated and completely opened the door. The light from outside wasn’t enough to see through the inky darkness. 

Dread began to raise up her spine and sat at the back of her head. She didn’t like this feeling nor did she trust it. She turned to leave from this place when she felt hands grab her torso, legs, arms, neck. They grabbed and squeezed and began dragging towards the blackness, ignoring her cries and pleas. 

She began to scream and resist them but to no avail. They covered her mouth and soon she tired herself out and was violently lost into the black void. 

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