Chapter 8

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Smug couldn’t help but notice Autumn sneaking off the camp and also noticed how Luna and Hope would go right to Luna’s tent after every trail. Smug would try to see what they were doing but they were careful not to give away too much and Luna would always hide whatever and act like they were talking about the previous matches.

After many failed attempts, Smug gave up and began to hang out with Autumn and Kate. Then realized that Autumn kept ditching him and sneaking off towards the killers’ camp. Smug didn’t pay any mind to it until Autumn started coming back with more than just a smile. It all started like this.

“You’re adorable, ya know that?” Kate said, giggling. “I do my best,” Smug said, absentmindedly. “What’s wrong hun? What’s eatin’ ya up?” Kate asked, reaching for his arm. He jumped at it, suddenly jerking away. The hurt shown in Kate’s eyes and that made him scratch his neck.

“I’m sorry Kate. I’m just not all here. I feel like I’m being outcasted by my friends. It feels just like what I went through before I came here.” Smug muttered, sitting down and sighing. “Well, who says they’re your only friends?” Kate asked, sitting beside him. “I mean, we came together!” Smug pointed out.

“Well, Dwight, Meg, Jake, and Claudette are friends but Dwight doesn’t talk to ‘em much anymore. Meg kinda drifted to be great friends with Nea, most of the time.” Smug grimaced when Kate said Nea’s name. “Nea is simple-minded.” Smug hissed without thinking.

“Look who’s talking.” Smug growled when she heard her voice. “Leave, I don’t want you around me.” Smug groaned. “Sad, I was actually coming to say sorry.” Smug looked around to see Nea. She wasn’t amusing herself or being sarcastic with him, she was genuine.

“Why are you sorry then?” Smug asked, turning around to look at her. “Look, I listened to what you said and took some time to think about it. You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that about the killers. Though, we give them nicknames because we don’t really know their names.” Nea told him, rubbing her arm. “Maybe it’s because you never gave them a chance. It’s not their fault they’re here.”

“You don’t know that.” Quentin interrupted, standing a few feet in front of Smug. “Quentin-..” Kate started only to be silenced by an angry look from him. “You also don’t know that killers want to be here. Some may enjoy it but others are here just because they want to.”  Smug argued.

Quentin glared until his eyes slowly widened in disbelief. “Autumn..?” Quentin whispered, running past Smug. “Hey! Whe-” Smug stopped when he noticed Autumn’s state. Her eyes were wide and shifty, her body was covered in blood, and she was jumpy. Worst of all, she was about to faint. “Autu-” Quentin yelled and that’s when she fainted right into Quentin’s arms.

“Autumn!” Quentin yelled. “Hurry! To Claudette’s tent!” Smug ordered as they ran, seeing Luna and Hope jogging after them, confusion and worry in their eyes.


Hope sat down, her back against the bed that Luna was laying down in. Her leg had gotten trap when Hope was talking to Evan. She was fine but just a bit sore in her ankle and a scar had developed. War scars, is what Luna called it.

Hope was reading the journal when she stopped and looked up towards Luna. “Luna,” Hope’s shaky voice made Luna look over. “What’s up?” Luna asked, her senses dulled by the pills Claudette gave her.

“Benedict Baker was talking about how hope was what the Entity fed on and that’s why the Entity was stronger when we were on the hook. The more we fail to escape and struggle, the more hope we lose until it takes us.” Hope explained, making Luna perk up. “So is that our ticket? To get out of here?” Luna asked. “Maybe, maybe not but…” Hope trailed off.

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