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L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

Chapter 7 -- H i m


Bakugo sighed hopelessly, watching the blonde leave his presence with that damned sentence
' I don't want to die, Kat. . but I know you don't love me so I'll see ya on the other side,
Bakubro. '
How could he not notice what was happening to the blonde? Damn, so naive.
He looks back down to the puddle of blood, studying the stained dandelion petals. His favorite flower, huh ? The ash blonde shook his head with a scoff, turning harshly back towards Class 1-A.
He slams the door open, making everyone stop and turn once more. Today was full of surprises.
The explosive teen scowls and pushes past Iida toward Sero, grabbing his collar, " How long have you've known about this ? " He questioned hard, scaring the shit out of the black haired male.
" W - what ?? What the hell are you talking about ? " Sero blinked, panicking in Bakugo's grip,
" About Kami, idiot— since when did he tell you and didn't tell me ?? "
" That wasn't my descision— he specifically told me not to tell you ! " He explains quickly, trying to pry Bakugo's fingers off of his collar.
The angered male seemed surprised by this— in all the explaining, the blonde never explained why he never told him but it was clear he told only Sero.
He loosened his grip for a second before tightening it along with his gritted teeth, " Then what was with that kiss, huh ?? " The confuses teen pushes back.
" Why would I know about that ?? All he told me about that was that he just kissed you and booked it because he thought he fucked up or something,, maybe he went to throw up or something ! I don't fucking know Bakugo !! " Sero argues back.
Bakugo growls and drops the black haired teen out of his grip, " What-the-fuck ever. " He scoffs, " Now I have a whole situation to fix with that idiot before he gets himself killed. " The teen walks back over to the open door of the classroom. He stops, barely looking back or over his shoulder, " Hey Soy Sauce— if you talk to Kami like that again, get ready to be speaking out of your ass for the rest of your life. " He threatens before leaving the scene of confusion.
He hoped he made his point clear enough.
Kaminari was currently freaking out in his dorm, trying his hardest not to cry and cough out more blood but it was so inevitable. The thought of him and Bakugo falling apart made him sob harder into his hand, head tilted against his door as he fights the urge to go out there and find the handsome ash blonde.
He feels the blood dribble into his palm but he could care less.
God damn it Denki— you fucking coward. You're going to kill yourself over this, stop being such a bitch.
" Shut up !! " He shouts at his inner thoughts, tears basically streaming down his cheeks.
The blonde soon pulls his door back open and shuts it behind him. His hand wiping at his face as he speed walks down to Bakugo's room.
The forsaken place Bakugo had only let him into few times just for hangouts.
It was his only comfort place and he couldn't stop thinking insults to himself over and over.
Kaminari pushes the door open after inserting the spare key the ash blonde handed him a few weeks ago.
Just standing in the entrance of his crush's dorm made him feel 100 times better. He's instantly reminded of all the dumb conversations and tiny special moments I had with him in this room.
We really built up something, huh?
I smiled out of pure happiness for once in a long time, wandering over his neatly made bed—
' Jeez Kat— I didn't know you were such a clean freak '
Bakugo scowled in my direction, ' Unlike you messy asses— I actually get shit done. ' He argues back
I smiled nervously but happily, ' I - I think it's nice you're care about taking care of things ! It's always a nice habit to have,, '
Bakugo looks over to me in surprise before pulling a hard face, ' Sure— whatever,, ' He mumbles quickly, trying to hide the pink tint of his cheeks. '

It still amazes Kaminari how close he could get with someone who wanted nothing to do with him for the longest time.
He trails his fingers along the soft cover over the mattress before the soft black material catching his eyes.
One of Bakugo's sweatshirts.
He felt his heart melt already— the fact that he could finally touch or wear a piece of clothing he'd seen Bakugo wear countless times when they just hung out. It was the sweetest thing to the blonde.
He grabbed the hem of it, beginning to pull the sweatshirt over his uniform with struggle. He quietly chuckles at himself, hating the dumb side of his eagerness to wear his crush's clothes.
He adjusts the sweatshirt with the iconic skull on it, pulling the hoodie down just a bit so he could actually see.
God, as weird as it definitely was— it made the blonde feel a lot better than he had this past month. The feeling of iron and scratchiness went away, making him forget about that damn disease.
Kaminari smiled, hugging himself to feel the soft inside against his skin and how cuddly it was.
" Kami— I know you're in here, you dumbass.. " Bakugo mutter, in the process of opening and closing the door behind him.
The blonde jumped, sweat suddenly covering his body as he wasn't sure what to do. He was no ready to talk to him yet— he would never be able to.
The ash blonde sighs heavily, " You think I wouldn't know where you were if you aren't at your dorm ? "
Kaminari looked down at the ground, " I didn't know you were looking for me.. " He admits through a mumble.
" Of course I'd be looking for you— " Bakugo finally shrugged his uniform jacket off with success and looked towards Kaminari.
The way he looked like a scolded child made the ash blonde feel so many different emotions— he couldn't yell at him now.
He just sighs and approaches him further, " Why didn't you tell me about all this shit ?? "
The blonde cringed at the words, knowing it would trigger something deep within his throat, " Because.. I didn't want you to feel bad for not being able to love me- i mean ! not that I blame you— I don't like myself that much either,, "
Bakugo raises a brow, " Kami. "
"— but I just didn't want you to also feel responsible for all this because it's totally not your fault, you know ?? "
" Kaminari— "
" —it is totally my fault anyways ! like,, if i wasn't alive and shit,, i wouldn't be at chance of falling in love with you and all that— it's not that i regret anything between us but— "
Bakugo impatiently narrows his eyes, " Kaminari. "
" we wouldn't be at fault is all i'm saying ! i really don't regret what we had— or have going but you already felt so guilty over other stuff that— "
The ash blonde exhaled heavily, " Kaminari ! Could you stop rambling for one fucking second ?? "
The blonde shrinks at the sound of his crush yelling at him. The dark feel that he was starting to get annoyed of him only worsened the feel in his throat.
" y - you know what ? i - i should just— go.. i'm sorry.. " The blonde says instead of something he's ben dying to say like ' god, i love you ' or ' don't forget me ' or— ' please just love me back '
" What in the hell are you sorry for ?? " The ash blonde scuffs, watching the blonde in his sweatshirt pass him.
" ..I guess i'm just,, sorry for loving you— " The electric teen weakly admits, voice cracked with no strength or happiness left.
Bakugo felt the pin to his heart as he couldn't stop the blonde in time— but he had to stop him. Who knew what that idiot was going to do??
In a rush, the male runs out of his dorm to find the other weakly slumping his way upstairs. Of course Bakugo knew for a hell of a fact that it was not to visit someone's dorm— but to end what life he was given.
" KAMI ! "


End of Chapter 7

L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

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