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L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

Chapter 6 -- R e g r e t


Kaminari and Bakugo had little talk after their kiss— maybe because Bakugo didn't feel the same, maybe because the idiot blonde ran out of their like he fucked up, maybe it because his disease was still not cured.
The blonde groaned to himself, cleaning up the blood from his sink and counter for the 4th time this morning.
He was going to be late from all of this throw up. But it wouldn't be any easier with seeing Bakugo and all that. Sero is the only person he's talked to these past weeks— this month was flying past too much and it wouldn't be long before the disease makes him suffocate in his sleep or something.
The fear of it all never went away— the blonde's anxiety and fear of dying was getting worse,, surgery was the only thing that could fix this, right?
He has to change this and fast— faster than he's ever done anything before.
The blonde gagged at the surprise of tasting more damn iron— too fast.
He scoffed to himself, slinging his bag on his shoulder and finally made his way out the door and toward U.A where he finally reached Class 1-A.
Sero furrows his brows, quite annoyed and worried as he approaches his best friend, " Dude, what the fuck ? why are so late ? "
Kaminari looked sorrowful toward, trying to pull his eyes away from the bitter ash blonde but he just couldn't.
" Kami. " The black haired male punched the teens shoulder to get his attention for the thousandth time.
The electric blonde flinched and blinked towards Sero, feeling embarrassed being caught in a stare, " S - sorry . . "
" Kami, you have to talk to him. "
His amber eyes filled with fear and got smaller, " W - what ?? No ! Sero you're crazy— "
" Don't you start telling me I'm crazy— you got yourself into this situation in the first place ! "
" Oh, so it's my fault I fall in love with him— how can i help that when my heart clears loves him ! "
" I never said that ! I mean when you kissed him ! you couldn't steered clear of that but you decided to fuck it up ! "
" I - i couldn't help myself ! i thought it might like— cure the disease or something! plus ! they looked really soft .. "
" You really are a dumbass— who told you to take risky ass chances like that ?? "
" apparently i did because look where i am now, sero ! you're right, it's my fucking fault i'm in this in the first place ! maybe if i wasn't alive, i wouldn't be at risk of falling in love with  bakugo !! "
. . .
the classroom falls nothing short of silent for many different reasons- due to the ' best friend's ' argument, due to kaminari's sudden confessing that he wished he was never born and the fact that the dumbass blonde shouted his crush aloud to the others but it still shook Bakugo.
The two boys fall short of silence as well, red painted Sero's face of anger and over Kaminari's for embarrassment AND anger.
" —you must've also told yourself to yell your problems out loud as well. " The black haired sneered back, barely caring for the teen's embarrassment at this point.
Kaminari narrows his eyes, never getting over the anxiety that someone might start gossiping about him and Bakugo, " Fuck you, Sero. " He growls, barely caring for his bag as he slams the door behind him out of 1-A.
The blonde walks as fast as he could away from that sudden hell-hole. He was so fucked. Tears burned his eyes as too many emotions overcame him, too many to count, too many to name.
He might as well let death take him right ? He sighed hopelessly, wiping at the tears flowing his cheeks.
" Hey idiot ! Get your ass back here ! "
Blood poisoned his mouth as he heard that damned voice of the the ash blonde. The fucking thing standing between him and death at this point.
His conscious gives out on him, making him just slowly and weakly turn toward the approaching the male.
When he finally arrives at the blonde, his brows are furrow as he starts to talk but then stops. He blinks, worried, " Kami— what the fuck is that ? "
The electric teen blinked with a tilt before running his hand over his chin. He pulls back to see the blood, that blood that would be the death of him.
His heart heated fast as he looks up at Bakugo with worry but he had to play it cool. But he couldn't throw up, no— not now. no when his own crush is in front of him.
He smiles nervously, feeling the flowers collect in his throat, making it itch, " I - I dunno— i'll go check it out at home,, ya know— maybe i'm just sick. " he lightly fake laughs, not too hard or the blood might just come out on its own.
" Sick ? Kami,, that looks like actual blood.. " The ash blonde admits, actual worry built into his eyes— something Kaminari had never seen before. It was oddly soothing but he really couldn't stay any longer.
" I swear Bakubro— I'm fine. " Despite not calling him out, the blonde still murmured, " i - i meant, katsuki.. "
Bakugo glances at him as he fake smiles and starts walking off but i guess the coughing into the hand was a little too suspicious.
Shit, shit, shit— fuck! Not now !
" C'mon Pikachu— you're clearly not fine,, let me see— "
The ash blonde on the teen's arm, jerking them backwards and moving their hand full of blood and spare dandelion petals onto the floor besides the two.
. . .
Kaminari was not used to so much silence in one day. The teens stared in horror at the blood and petals until Bakugo exhales heavily, " What the fuck ! Are you dying or some shit ??! " He scrunches his brows together, angry, confused and worried.
The blonde felt tears start in his eyes again as he couldn't help but nod, " It's been going on for so fucking long— so damn long,, too long for me to bear it. . " And soon enough, the teen fell to his knees in tears— confessing every last words of the month and the disease, how everything started while Bakugo respectfully listened and comforted the teen.
"—I don't want to die, Kat. . but I know you don't love me so,, " The blonde sniffs, wiping his eyes as he gets up.
The ash blonde whips his head up, surprised at his words, " Wait— "
Kaminari smiles shakily, wiping his chin, " I'll see ya on the other side, Bakubro. " Tears collected in his lids as he moves toward the dorms without thinking, without even looking back.
Too fast.


End of Chapter 6

L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

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