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L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

Chapter 5 -- K i s s


Kaminari wanders around his dorm, trying to find something to do before the Bakusquad came around to gather them up.
It was a little nerve wracking— He got this chance so early to just try and see if him and the hot head were " meant to be. "
The blonde couldn't help but eye roll at the phrase, he's never been in love before like this— all his earlier crushes were ones he couldn't remember the names of.
But Bakugo was different to him, definitely different. And confusing but most importantly angry as well but he was getting better.
This week had been going by fast to Saturday but it made Kaminari feel so amazing.
The ash blonde talked to him the whole time, making Kaminari almost flush completely whenever he was able to use his first name.
But the flowers never went away— having said that, the blonde did just throw up almost an hour ago because of the anxiety of fucking up.
He continues to wipe his chin, concerned there's still blood left.
But he smiled back at the small talks or conversations he had with the hot head— this was easier than he thought.
Bakugo was the only person to make him smile more than ten times a day— now if that isn't progress, I don't know what is.
The knock of his door made him jump— sudden noises were not his kind of thing.
He sighs at the realization of time and walks over to the door, opening it to the quite fancy dressed ash blonde.
Kaminari's face flushed red at the sight of the casual but high white clothing on him. It was so fucking adorable and hot at the same time.
The blonde turns away for a second to look back at Bakugo with not even a less flushed face.
The ash blonde takes that with a smirk and sighs, " You coming or not ? " He calls, starting to walk away from the entrance.
The blonde blinks quickly before stepping out and closing his door, " Y— Yeah ! I am ! " He assures with a nervous chuckle.
Bakugo scoffs lightly, almost slowing down for the electric teen to catch up.
" Wow— you're actually waiting for me ? " He continues his chuckle with more confidence as the explosive teen turns defensive.
He growls, " I am not ! I'm just making sure you don't fall behind or get lost, idiot. "
With an eyebrow raise, Kaminari could figure out what that actually meant in a second.
But before that, he was hit by the cold wind of 9 pm. A shiver ran up his spine as he gritted his teeth, " Jesus— mother nature really is hating us right now. " The blonde rolls his eyes at his own lame joke.
Bakugo spared him a small laugh, something he showed when he was just in the mood for giving pity.
It made a small frown appear on the dumb teen's lips, the petals already scratching at his throat.
He shakes his head with all the thoughts that came with it and just followed by Bakugo as he lead both of them to the nice outdoor party at someone's place.
The ash blonde first notices the red, black and pink hair out of the crowd— another thing to admire about him.
He pushes through the crowd, barely caring if he spilled drinks or pushed someone over.
' So much fucking confidence. ' Kaminari thought with a smirk.
" Hey guys ! You finally made it ! " Kirishima shoots the boys a shark-like grin. Sero narrows his eyes, " Finally.. " He mutters under his breath.
The blonde swallowed at the tension between him and his best friend, damn this disease.
He returned the smile to the red head, hoping to fake the happiness of being here with everyone else.
Bakugo was his main priority tonight, no one else.
The hot head shoots back a glare, " It's all his fault. " He defends, pointing toward Kaminari to make him go into an overall panic mode.
" Wha— Me ?? " He questioned, eyebrows raised innocently.
" C'mon Bakubro— don't blame it on other people. " Kirishima pouted, playfully punching his shoulder as Bakugo eye rolls.
" What the fuck ever— you coming, Kami ? " He looks back toward the blonde, making his way toward the tables full of drinks and other shit.
'Kami' blinked, surprised he used his nickname let alone wait for his call to come or not.
' This has to be some kind of sign. ' He assures to himself.
He exhales and nods with a real smile for once, following after the taller male.
Bakugo smiles just a little back at him, hiding it behind his collar so the blonde never noticed.
The walk seemed to take longer than Kaminari ever thought, the constant comfortable silence between him and the explosive boy. Their hands touching once and a while to send 'Kami' into blushing mode.
He couldn't help but think what it would be like to hold Bakugo's hand in his, brushing his fingers and thumbs over the knuckles constantly.
He'd even let his mind wander far enough to thinking kissing. That regrettable or relieving k word. It could make or break your whole relationship, and the blonde had no idea how that would go.
He smiles softly, ' secretly ' studying Bakugo's face before looking back at the table they were finally approaching.
The blonde snatched a water bottle from the hot head's grip, sticking his tongue out before taking a sip because he definitely needed it more— that damn iron taste was getting disgusting.
The ash blonde narrows his eyes back but didn't lash out. He just pretended to grab it back but didn't, scaring the shit out of 'Kami'.
He laughs and sips his own water bottle, enjoying his time with the dumb blonde more than he ever thought he would.
" Uh— Kat ? " Kaminari tilts his head at the call.
The ash blonde finished his sip and perks up, " Yeah ? "
The electric teen takes a little more time to think it over before sighing, " You..— you support the gays, r— right ? " He asked carefully because if Bakugo was a homophobic— he might as well take that surgery as fast as he could.
The ash blonde thinks before finally getting what he was saying, " Duh. " He rolls his eyes like it was obvious, of course he does. He is one.
Kaminari raises his brow, " Duh— what ? "
The ash blonde scoffs, " Duh, of course ! " He explains with a little bit of annoyance.
But he could barely care for the annoyance in the hot head— it felt like weight had been taken off his chest. Thank the lord, thank the heavens because he knew he would never be able to give up on his feelings for Bakugo.
The blonde returns a smile, " I'm glad ! " He admits, his amber eyes sparkling with happiness.
The ash blonde's ruby orbs dance around, trying not to get sucked into his amber ones, " Whatever..— "
" Thanks for asking me to come. " The electric teen blurts, light blush decorated his cheeks as Bakugo stops his mumble.
Kaminari panics a bit, realizing his sentence was kinda obscured, " I— I mean ! I know you were forced b— but ! Im just glad you still came and asked me when you could've ignored it.. " He explains, his voice getting quieter with every word.
Soon, the explosive boy seems happy with the words as he grins, " Yeah— no problem, Pikachu. "
Kaminari raises his brow before giggling quietly, " You know— I really dig your nicknames. " He admits, taking his confidence to stare into his ruby orbs.
Bakugo smirks, amused. His orbs stare back into the amber ones, " Yeah ? "
Kaminari nods, leaning closer to him to place his palm against the table. He tilts his heads, just feeling the calmness of Bakugo's exhale,
"..yeah. "
He placed his lips on the ash blonde's, without thinking obviously. He never thinks— what the fuck is he doing??
What the hell??
He's gonna fuck everything up!!
A few moments in, the pained iron taste returned to his throat— making him leave the trance of Bakugo's soft lips.
Without more non-thinking, he pulls away from the explosive teen's lips, face red of embarrassment. He felt tears prick at his eyes from the sinful trick and scratchy flowers.
He breaks away from Bakugo's grasp, pushing past people to run back toward the dorms.
Not stopping for anything nor anyone one.
The hard fumble of the doors as he puked up the same cursed blood and flowers that started everything.
He lets the tears drop down his cheeks, joining the red blood patches in the sink.


End of Chapter 5

L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

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