Perhaps He Could Be Happy

Start from the beginning

Bullets whizzed by Jason's head as he darted into the battlefield, striking down several of the gunmen as Nightwing, too, jumped into the fray. Punching, kicking, doing the best he could with everything Bruce had taught him in the past several months.

From across the room, Jason saw a gangster get to his feet and aim his gun at Nightwing's turned back. Jason barely remembered throwing a batarang at the gangster and knocking him out.

Nightwing threw Jason a grin before his eyes went wide with fear behind his domino mask. Jason didn't have time to look to see what the danger was before he found himself tucked behind the corner of a shipping container with Nightwing's taller form curled protectively over him. The barrage of gunshots came to a stop as suddenly as they started. Jason's heavy breathing and heartbeat seemed to deafen him, but Nightwing's whispered voice broke through the fog.

"Hey, you good?"

Jason nodded with a sharp gasp, "Yeah, yeah, I'm-"

He was cut off by Nightwing clapping his hand over his mouth. Jason froze in his place, pressing his back into the cold wall of the shipping container as several of the gunmen hurried past them, weapons at the ready. As the gangster went by, Nightwing inched his hand away from Jason's mouth, and the younger boy let out a heavy breath.

"That was close-"

Once again, gunfire started up and Nightwing pulled Jason along into the rafters, ducking into another hiding place.

"Too soon?" Jason inquired breathlessly, pulling out several more batarangs.

"Bit too soon, yeah!" Nightwing exclaimed with a rather peeved look on his face. "Next time, keep the volume down, 'kay?"

Jason nodded, "Got it."

After successfully taking down the gangsters and calling the GCPD, the two boys made their way back to the manor.


Dick tried to stifle a laugh at a joke Jason had just made as the duo snuck into the house through the library window.

Suddenly, a lamp clicked on and Dick and Jason looked over in shock to see Bruce sitting in an armchair with a stern look on his face.

"Where were you two?"

Dick's eyes went wide, "...Aruba?"

Bruce barely even raised an eyebrow, "You want to try that again?"

Dick sighed, "Fine, I took Jay out for a night on the town, we were fine. Took down some gangsters-"

"Gangsters?" Bruce interjected. "And you didn't think to notify me?"

"Jason said you were working late, I didn't wanna bother you," Dick said lamely.

After a terse moment of silence, Bruce gave a sigh of resignation, "I'm glad it went smoothly and neither of you got hurt. But do not, under any circumstances, do that again."

Dick nodded quickly as Jason let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding.

"Now, both of you get to bed," Bruce ordered, a ghost of a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. "Alfred will have a fit if he sees you two up this late on Christmas Eve."

This statement earned a small grin from Dick, but Jason's face was sullen. Christmas didn't hold the best memories for the young boy.

"Goodnight, boys." Bruce said.

"'Night, B," Dick replied, waving over his shoulder. "Coming, Jay?"

Nodding quickly, Jason followed after Dick, sending Bruce a quiet, "Goodnight."

On their way to the room, Dick slung an arm over Jason's shoulders, "You did good, kid."

Jason smiled, "Thanks. Patrol was... fun."

"No problem." Dick assured the younger boy. "But you seem shaken, is everything alright?"

"Yeah," Jason shrugged, "Just had a few close calls out there, I guess."

"Here's the thing, kid," Dick replied. "If you get hurt, hurt them back."

"What if I get... more than hurt?" Jason asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.


Jason nodded.

"Well, if you get killed, walk it off."

A short while later, Jason was staring at the wall of his bedroom in silence. He didn't like Christmas. It had never been kind to him over the years, and he didn't see why this year would be any different.Eventually, his eyes fell shut and he began to dream.

Seven years ago: 

Six year old Jason sat in his room and hugged his knees close to his chest as his parents had another loud spat. Familiar insults and screams echoed through the paper-thin walls until Willis stormed out the door and Catherine collapsed onto the threadbare couch next to the spindly Christmas tree in the living room.

Getting to his feet, Jason inched towards his bedroom door and crept down the short hall, peeking around the corner into the living room. He stood there for several moments for gathering the courage to approach his mother.

"Mama?" he murmured, leaning nervously against the arm of the couch.

Catherine sniffed and straightened up, "What is it, Jason?"

Jason hopped up onto couch and next to his mother, "I love you, mama."

"I love you, too, baby..." Catherine's voice was hollow as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

After another few moments of silence, Jason inquired, "Mama, are we havin' Christmas this year?"

Catherine tensed noticeably, and Jason immediately regretted asking.

"Go get ready for bed," Catherine said dully.

"But mama-"

"Bed. Jason." interjected Catherine sharply. "Now, please."

Falling quiet, Jason slid off of the couch and padding back towards his room, shutting the creaky door behind him as he held back tears. Christmas had never been kind to him.


Jason was rather rudely awoken by Dick singing It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year terribly off-key as Alfred threw open his bedroom curtains to reveal the still-falling snow.

"Shut uuuup," Jason whined, tugging his pillow over his ears indignantly.

"Come on, Jay!" Dick laughed, shaking Jason's shoulder as the younger boy swatted at him. "It's Christmas! I spotted a few packages for you downstairs..."

This piqued Jason's interest and he finally convinced himself to crawl out of bed. He grabbed a sweater as he followed Dick out of his room and down the stairs towards the den.

To say Jason was shocked at the sight of the pile of gifts beneath the tree was an understatement. He was flabbergasted. Awed. Astonished. The list went on. He had bought a few gifts for Bruce, Dick, Barbara, and Alfred with the allowance Bruce gave him, but nothing to compare with the amount of packages he was currently staring at. Perhaps Christmas wouldn't be too bad.

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