Chapter 34

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That weekend, you and Colby had to go to LA for an interview with Ellen, so you packed your bags and the diaper bag and headed for LA.

Once you were at the hotel, Colby went down to the gym while you pumped; you weren't sure how long the interview would go so you wanted to make sure you had a bottle or two for the babysitter backstage.

After Colby got back, he showered and put on a pair of black slacks with a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and pulled his hair back into it's usual bun and took the baby while you showered. After you got out, you put on a red silk jumpsuit and left your hair down to air dry and put on simple eyeshadow and mascara and red lipstick. Once you were both ready to go, you changed Amara into a pink onesie that said 'daddy's girl and mommy's world' with her white booties and a pink bow.

Once you were ready, you put Amara in her carseat and the 3 of you headed to Ellen's studio.

At the studio, they touched up your makeup and you and Colby cooed at Amara until it was time to go on. You relunctantly handed her to the babysitter and walked out with Colby. You both waved at the crowd and sat down on the couch. You were closest to Ellen.

Ellen: Hey! How are you guys? Big year this past year, am I right?

Y&C: Yes

Ellen: so, how is married life? You guys had your baby girl pretty quickly after getting married. Were you pregnant at the wedding or?

You: It's amazing. Every last part of it. And no, we decided to have a baby the week we came back from our honeymoon. We had 2 failed pregnancy tests before we finally got our positive. 

Ellen: I've seen pictures of her. She's beautiful. So, Seth, tell me, how's life as a new dad out on the road?

Colby: You can call me Colby... It's been tough, I'm not gonna lie.. A lot of my free time was spent on FaceTime with Rachael and Amara. I miss them like crazy when I'm gone. They're all I seem to think about when I'm not in a match

Ellen: It has to be tough.. How often are you able to visit home?

Colby: It depends... Sometimes once a month and stay for 2 or 3 days and sometimes it's not for 3-4 months. 

Ellen: How's that baby girl of yours?

You: She's perfect. She doesn't get too fussy during the night. Some nights, she's up every hour, but most of the time, she sleeps for 3-5 hours at a time. We actually brought her with us

Ellen: Can we bring her out?

You: Of course!

Colby stood up and met the babysitter halfway back to backstage and brought her up to the couch. He sat back down beside you and turned her to where the camera could see her and Ellen and the crowd adored her.

Once the interview was over, you quickly headed back to your hotel room and gave Amara a bath and showered and changed into a pair of leggings and a tank top and sneakers and Colby changed into a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt and the two of you headed back to Galveston.

After you got home, you fed Amara and changed her diaper and put her down for a nap and sat down on the couch; exhausted. Colby threw the suitcases on your bed and joined you on the couch and laid on his back with his head in your lap. You played with his hair as he closed his eyes and you thought about your busy week. You and Amara were flying to RAW to be with Colby when he talks to Stephanie about retiring.

Once it was time for dinner, Colby made fajita chicken and cooked green bell peppers and onion slices to go with it. You put Amara in her swayer in the kitchen and you and Colby talked as you ate. "Are you sure you wanna do this? I'll back you up no matter what you do, but I want you to be 100% sure" "I'm sure, Rach. I've only been home for 3 days and I'm already sleeping better. I'm not having nightmares about you and Mara, I'm not sore when I wake up.. This is good. Sure, I'll miss it, but -" "Wait. You have nightmares when you're not home?" "Yeah..". You got up and walked over to him and kissed him and wrapped your arms around him. "Colby Daniel, listen to me. *You put your hands on the sides of his neck* Amara and I are perfectly safe when you're gone. Our alarms are set by 6 in the evening and all the doors are locked. We live in one of the safest neighborhoods in Galveston" "I know, but I still worry". You kissed him again and Amara started to cry. You picked her up and nursed her as you finished eating. Around 9 PM, you put Amara to bed and went upstairs to see Colby sleeping peacefully. You crawled into bed and curled up next to him. You were sad that he was wanting to retire, but you couldn't wait to fall asleep like this every night. 

The next morning, you got dressed in a pair of leggings and a white tank top with a sleeveless black cardigan and white sandals and left your hair down naturally curly and only put on mascara. Colby came walking into the bedroom in his black slacks and white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and his black shoes. He handed Amara to you and you saw that he put on a black onesie that had his new 'SFRN' logo on it and pink booties with a pink headband with a white flower on her. Once Colby pulled his hair back in a low bun, you put Amara in the carseat and the 3 of you made your way to the arena for RAW. 

After you pulled into the back of the arena and parked, Colby pulled the stroller attachment out of the trunk of your car and you pulled Amara out of the back and put her carseat on the stroller and Colby made sure it was latched in and you pushed her inside as Colby grabbed his ring gear bag.

Inside, you and Colby made your way to Stephanie's office and asked if you could talk to her. She said yes, so Colby sat in the chair on your right and you sat in the chair on his left and Stephanie held Amara as you talked. "So, Steph.. I've been thinking... And please don't say anything until I'm done *you put your right hand on his knee and he shakily took it*. I love my job. I've been wrestling for as long as I can remember and for the longest time, that ring was the only place I felt joy. Now, I dread coming to work and I'm terrified of getting hurt so bad that I can't take care of my daughter. I want to be home for her first steps. Her first words. I was lucky enough to be the first person to make her smile. I want to be there for all of her firsts and I can't do that if I'm on the road. I want to retire". Stephanie's head shot up from looking at the baby to you and Colby. "Colby you.. Are you sure?" "More than anything. I don't wanna be hurt so bad that one day instead of teaching her to ride a bike, I'm sitting on the porch watching her try. I'm sure, Steph. This is what I want". Stephanie put Amara back in her stroller and walked over to your side of the desk and leaned against her desk. "Are you sure you don't want to just do a live show here and there and show up at Pay Per Views?" "I'm sure, Steph. I need to be home. I need to be with my daughter and my wife". You smiled at him and Stephanie sat there in shock. Amara started to cry and Colby got up and got her out of her stroller and bounced her as he walked back and forth in the office. "When were you thinking of retiring?" "I was thinking that maybe I could go to RAW on the 4th... Make my retirement announcement then. "Colby, that's Monday night, are you sure?" "I'm sure. Tonight is my last match". He stood on your left side holding Amara who was now smiling up at him. She was a month old and was the sweetest baby. 

Stephanie sadly said she accepted Colby's retirement and Colby ran off to get ready in his ring gear and found you and Amara in catering. After RAW, the 3 of you headed back home and got ready for bed.

The next day, you and Colby got up and Colby went to change Amara and feed her and start breakfast. You quickly threw on a pair of jean shorts and a Beatles T-Shirt and your white sneakers and threw your hair up into a messy bun and went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table where Colby had finished making breakfast. The 3 of you spent the rest of the day shopping downtown and spending time as a family. You couldn't wait to do this every day.

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