Chapter 11

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Fast forward 3 months and it's WrestleMania week. Monday Night RAW is being held in Santa Clara, California. You're picking Colby up up from the airport at noon; WWE has him in All Access all week along with everyone else.

You were already dressed and had your hair and makeup done. You wore your hair down naturally curly and had your makeup done with a pink/neutral color smokey eye and winged eyeliner and mascara. You're wearing your black high waisted pants with your pale pink cropped spaghetti strap top and white heels.

You were standing at baggage claim watching for Colby's bag. Once you saw it, you grabbed it and put in on the floor beside you. A few minutes later, you see Colby limping towards you with his knee brace on. You both smiled widely when you saw each other and you ran over and jumped into his arms in a hug. "I've missed you so much, Rae" "I missed you too". The two of you walked hand in hand to Colby's bad and you picked it up and the two of you walked out to the rental car and headed for the hotel. Colby changed into his WWE Performance Center athletic shorts and grey T-Shirt and sneakers and made sure his knee brace was on good. He pulled his hair back up into a low bun and put on a baseball cap.

The two of you made your way down to the rental car and headed for All Access. You and Colby checked in and turns out, You and Colby were at the same table for the meet and greet. When you got to the curtains blocking off behind the stage with your table, the two of you sat down and talked about random stuff until security said it was time to go. You walked up the steps first and waved at the crowd in line and Colby followed behind.

Fan: It's so nice to meet you guys! Seth, when are you coming back?

Colby: It's nice to meet you too and you never know

Fan: I hope it's tonight!

You: I think his comeback will be soon, but not tonight

Almost every fan asked Colby about when he was coming back and you could tell that it was hurting him. After the meet and greet was over you went back behind the curtains and ate lunch and you walked up behind Colby and rubbed his back as you kissed him from the side. "I know that had to sting" "Yeah, kinda. But I expected it". You wrapped your arms around his neck and sat on his lap and kissed him. "You'll be back soon, Colby. I promise" "I know". Once Access was over for the day, you and Colby went back to your room and went straight to bed. WrestleMania week was crazy and hectic, but you wouldn't trade it for the world.

A couple of days later, you and Colby were getting ready for the HOF Awards. You wore a blood red halter top mermaid style dress with black heels. Your hair had been flat ironed and curled at the ends and you had smokey eye makeup with lipstick to match your dress. colby was wearing a black suit and tie and had his hair in a low bun with the stray hairs sprayed down. He looked good. You were putting in your earrings when he came out of the bathroom and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you. "You look... Wow". You turned around and smiled at him. "Thank You. You look handsome". He put on his black shoes and kissed you. You wiped the red from his lips and laughed and the two of you walked hand in hand to the rental car.

At the Hall Of Fame, you and Colby walked the red carpet. You were told to go to Renee Young for an interview by a crew member and you both walked over to her:

Renee: Right now, I am standing with WWE Superstars RaeLynn and Seth Rollins. How are you guys doing tonight?

You: Amazing, Renee. We're excited to be here

Renee: We're glad you're both here! Seth, how is that knee?

Colby: I can honestly say, it's getting a whole lot better. I couldn't do it without Rae

Renee: You guys are so cute together. Can we talk about RaeLynn's dress right now? Like damn girl!

You: Thank You, Renee! I'm in love with it

Renee: It looks amazing on you. Seth, you look amazing as well. Everyone is wondering; when will you be returning?

Colby: I'm not 100% sure, but I'm only 5 months into a 6-9 month process, so we'll just wait and see

Renee: It's been amazing talking to you both. Good Luck to RaeLynn with her match tomorrow and get well soon, Seth.

When the interview was over, you and Colby made your way to your seats and enjoyed the show. You had an amazing time getting to meet som eof the superstars you looked up to and modeled your career after. You could tell that Colby was having a good time, but bummed that he couldn't wrestle tomorrow. You went back to your hotel and showered and took your makeup off and went to bed. Tomorrow was a big day and you were really excited for it.

The next morning, you got up around 8AM and went to the gym and had a workout and Colby did his physical therapy workouts in the room. You two went out for breakfast and got back to your room and got ready for the day. You washed your hair and let your natural curls flow down your back and did a pink/neutral smokey eye with winged eyeliner and mascara and nude lips and wore your white high waisted pants with your black Seth Rollins T-Shirt that you cut into a crop tank top. It had his gold SR logo on the front. You slid on your black converse and got ready to leave. Colby wore black pants and a black button down shirt with his black shoes and a black tie and wore his hair in his usual low bun.

At the arena, the hair/makeup team redid your makeup. Now you had a smokey eye and mascara and red lipstick. They flat ironed your hair and curled the ends of it. You changed into you ring gear and Colby threw his jacket over you as you two walked to catering.

Your match went by smoothly. You WON the WWE Women's Championship! The second you got backstage, you broke down crying and Colby wrapped you in a hug and was crying as well. "I'm so proud of you, Rae. Can we get out of here?" "Yeah, as soon as my interview is over". You kissed Colby and walked over to the cameras and did your interview and you and Colby left. You could tell it was bothering him to be here. All you wanted was to be with him and celebrate your win.

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