Chapter 9

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It is now December 23rd, 2015. Colby is now walking with a knee brace and is doing a whole lot better with physical therapy. Only downsides are he's not cleared to drive just yet and he isn't cleared to travel.

You are currently getting ready for a Christmas photo shoot for the WWE social media accounts and website. Right after, you're leaving to go visit Colby for Christmas. You and Colby have been together for 5 months and you are the happiest you've been in a long time.

Right now, you're wearing an ugly Christmas sweater with your T-Shirt design and tight dark denim jeans and black heels. Your hair is down naturally curly and you have simple winged eyeliner and mascara with nude lipstick. You've taken a photo in front of the Christmas tree, on Santa's lap, and all kinds of other poses. They had you change out of your Christmas sweater and into Colby's and your smile got 10x brighter just from thinking about him.

As soon as the photo shoot was over, you headed into the bathroom of the photo shoot's location (a beautiful farmhouse in Dallas, Texas) and changed into your leggings, one of Colby's Black and Brave T-Shirts that you borrowed from him, and your Uggs and left for the airport.

Once you landed, you called Colby's mom and she came and picked you up and took you to his house. The two of you walked up to the door and knocked and Colby answered the door. It was around 8AM and Colby was wearing nothing but athletic shorts and his hair was down and all over the place from sleeping. "Who the Hell is - Rae!". Once he realized it was you, he grabbed you and pulled you into a hug and kissed you. You hadn't seen him since the Sunday after he started physical therapy and you had missed him big time. "Alright, alright, that's more than enough, Colby Daniel" "Sorry, mom.. I didn't see you. How are you?" "I'm good. I better go. Your step-father has a doctor's appointment" "Oh okay. I'll see you later". He hugged his mom and she left and he limped inside the house holding your hand and sat down on the couch and propped his leg up and pulled you down beside him. "I've missed you so much, Colby" "I missed you too". He kissed you again and you smiled. The two of you spent the day talking and laughing and catching up. Once it got dark, you and Colby had been completely oblivious to what time it was. You ordered take out and the two of you enjoyed dinner and a movie on TV and went to bed.

Colby was laying on his back with his knee propped up. You were laying on Colby's left side and couldn't help but wonder... You sat up and got on top of Colby. "What are you doing?" *You take your shirt off and take your bra off* "Showing you exactly how much I missed you". Colby wasn't wearing a shirt, so that was one less thing you had to do. You carefully helped him take his shorts and boxers off and the two of you made out naked until Colby said he was throbbing. You giggled and positioned yourself over him and slowly put him inside you. This was the first time you and Colby had had sex since he got hurt and it was one thing that you both wanted badly. Once you were both finished, Colby managed to get his shorts back on and climb in bed and you threw on his T-Shirt and your panties. "Damn, Rae.. Where did that come from?" "I've missed you. You're getting around better and it was 80% guaranteed that I wouldn't hurt you". The two of you watched TV until you both slowly fell asleep.

When you woke up the next morning, Colby wasn't in bed. You looked at the clock. 12PM. Holy shit. You slept in until noon. You got up and made your way into the living room and saw Colby sitting on his couch eating cereal. "Hey". Colby turned around and smiled when he saw you. "Good Afternoon, Sleeping Beauty. Mom's Christmas party is tonight.. Do you wanna go or do you want me to tell her my knee's hurting too bad?" "I think we should go. We don't ever see her that much". Colby smiled at you and kissed you.

Around 4PM, you and Colby got dressed and ready to go. You wore your hair down with it's natural curls and just put on mascara and nude lipstick. You decided to wear your black leggings with a red sweater that went down to your midthighs and your black combat boots with your black leather jacket and white scarf. Colby wore black slacks with a white button down shirt and a black tie and his black jacket that matches his pants and put his hair in a low bun. Around 6, you were both ready to go and made your way to Colby's mom's house.

At the party, you met his siblings and his step-dad and his grandparents. The two of you had a ton of fun, but decided to go home around 8. You and Colby showered and got ready for bed and were asleep by midnight.

The next morning (Christmas Day), you woke up around 8AM and saw that Colby wasn't in bed. You got up and went into the living room and saw that he was in the kitchen making pancakes and bacon. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist and kissed his back. He turned around and smiled at you. "Merry Christmas, Rae" "Merry Christmas, Cole". He smirked at you and kissed you and finished cooking breakfast and the two of you sat down at the table to eat. "You know, I'M in town to take care of YOU, right?" "Yeah, well.. You've been taking care of me for almost 2 months. This is just a Thank You". The two of you finished eating and went into the living room. You sat down on the couch and turned on the TV and Colby went to the tree. "Babe, what are you doing?". He walked over to you and handed you a small wrapped box. "Colby, you didn't -" "I know I didn't have to. But I wanted to. Now hush and just open it". He laughed and you took the box from him. You opened it and gasped. It was a beautiful necklace. The chain was silver and the pendant was a small C with tiny diamonds in it (Kinda like when Troy gave Gabriella the T necklace in HSM). You teared up a little bit and hugged him and kissed him. "Thank You, so much, Colby. I love it". You kissed him again and he took the box from you and took the necklace out and told you to turn around. He put in on you and you walked over to the mirror on the wall in the living room and gasped. "Colby, this is beautiful". You kept staring at it as Colby walked up behind you and kissed your neck and wrapped his arms behind you. "I'm glad you like it". You ran to the bedroom and started digging through your bag until you found Colby's present. You walked back into the living room and handed Colby the box. He opened it and his smile was the brightest you've seen in almost 2 months. You had gotten him a brand new watch. Not just any watch either. The watch he's been looking at online for months. "Thank You, Rae. I love it". He kissed you and the two of you sat down with coffee and watch Christmas movies all day.

The next day, you had to fly out to Michigan for a Live Event. Colby's mom was back at his place and you were walking out the door when Colby limped over to you and gave you one last hug and kiss goodbye. You'd miss him for sure.

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