Chapter 20

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It was finally Christmas Eve and you and Colby were spending it in Connecticut with your family. Christmas Day would be spent travelling to the following city in Illinois. You and Colby had gotten your parents a new coffee maker, Stephanie and Paul an Apple TV, your nieces new Barbie Dolls and yours and Colby's action figures (They had been asking for them), Shane and his wife an Apple TV, your nephews a new game for their brand new PlayStation, and you got Colby some more of the protein powder that he likes and a new watch with an engraving on the back that said 'To the best fiance a woman could ask for - I love you Xoxo Rae', and Colby got you a diamond and birthstone necklace with both of your names and your birthstones.

The next morning, you and Colby got up and got dressed. You put on your skinny jeans and a long sleeve white T-Shirt and a black scarf and your Uggs. You let your hair dry naturally and only put on mascara. Colby had on his faded jeans and a Black and Brave T-Shirt on with his Crossfit flatbill hat and his hair tied back in a low bun and put on his glasses and his black sneakers. The two of you made your way to the airport.

On the plane, Colby took your left hand in his and smiled at you. "I can't believe I conned you into marrying me" "You didn't con me. I gladly said yes". You smiled at each other and you kissed him and laid your head on his shoulder. Once you landed, you headed straight for the arena and went to hair and makeup. They left your hair alone and put smokey eyeshadow on you and red lipstick and you changed into your ring gear. By the time you found Colby, he was already in his gear talking to some of the other superstars and was sitting on an equipment case. "Hey, Rae. Guys, I'll talk to you later". Colby jumped off of the case and wrapped his arm around you and the two of you started walking towards catering to watch RAW. "Rae, you'll never believe who called me" "Who?" "Ellen's people. They want us to come on and talk about the engagement" "Are you serious!? That's awesome!".

After your match was over, you showered and put your jeans and long sleeve shirt back on and went to wait on Colby at the car. While you were waiting, you went and signed fans' tickets and T-Shirts. You turned around when people started yelling 'Seth!' and excused yourself back to the car. Colby waved to everyone and the two of you got into the car and left.

You were both driving to the next city since it was only 3 hours away and you were in the backseat with Jon and Colby was in the front seat with Joe. You were looking at locations for weddings and weren't really paying attention to the conversation. "Babe, did you hear me?" "What?" "What are you doing back there that's distracted you so much?". Before you could say anything, Jon grabbed your phone and looked at it and smiled and handed it to Colby. "Oh, sorry Rae.. Here" *Colby hands you your phone back* "I asked if you wanted something to eat; Joe and I are starving" "Yeah, I could eat". The 4 of you pulled into a Taco Bell parking lot and went throught the Drive-Thru. "You know.. We haven't really talked about wedding stuff yet. Where were you thinking?" "I was thinking maybe somewhere in Davenport" "It doesn't have to be in Davenport, babe. You have way more family members than I do. That's a lot of people to travel" "What about just immediate family and close friends?" "That sounds perfect". You could hear the smile in Colby's tone and went back to looking.

Once you got to the next city, you and Colby couldn't sleep so you decided to look at wedding stuff. You talked about locations and decided on Napa Valley. You started looking at locations and fell in love with The Grove at the Silverado Resort & Spa. You immediately hit book now and you and Colby looked at the calendar to pick a date. You decided on a spring wedding in April 2019. It was only December 2017, but it gave you enough time to plan a wedding with your crazy schedules. You picked April 27th. It was after WrestleMania and gave you plenty of time to plan. You selected the date and got an email confirmation saying someone would contact you shortly for a tour of the venue. You smiled at Colby and kissed him. "We have a date, Cole". Colby smiled at you and kissed you again.

The next day, you had the day off in the city, so you and Colby went and found your sister and told her that you had a date set. She congratulated the two of you and went off to make sure you had the day before and the 2 weeks after off. You headed back to your room and called your dad and told him and then called Colby's mom and dad.

Colby called and confirmed the interview with Ellen and the two of you headed to the gym. You were expected to be on the Friday morning show and had to be there at 7 AM to check in and go to hair and makeup and you'd be on at 9 AM.

After the gym, you and Colby showered and got ready to head to the airport. You put on your leggings and a pink long sleeve shirt and left your hair naturally curly and down and slid on your white converse. Colby had on his jeans and a CrossFit T-Shirt and had his hair tied back in a low bun and slid on his black beanie and put his glasses on and slid on his black sneakers. The two of you left for the airport and you fell asleep on Colby's shoulder.

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