Chapter 4

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It was now July 2015 and you were training with Colby to get back into the ring. The two of you had become really good friends since you've been out. He helped you get all of your moves perfect and you couldn't be any more ready than you are right now. You were in the ring with Colby when your phone started to ring. Colby let you out of the headlock and sat down and you ran over to the bench and answered. "Hey, Steph! Oh, nothing. Just training. No, I haven't heard from anyone. Okay, I'll be there". You hung up and got back in the ring. "What was that?" "It was Stephanie. She wants me to come to the next live show and talk with her and dad" "Uh oh. You're in trouble" Colby said as he started laughing. "Oh, shut up". You put him in a headlock and took him to the mat and pinned him with his arms above his head. "Alright, McMahon. You win". You let go of his arms and sat on his stomach about to get up when he flipped you over and pinned you down. "Alright, Lopez. You win". You mocked Colby and he just stared at you. "What?". He climbed off of you and sat down beside in front of you. You were both sitting criss crossed and close enough than your knees were touching. "So, I was thinking" "Colby Lopez was thinking? Shocker". You started laughing and he kept talking "So.. I was wondering... Would you wanna ride to Davenport with me in the morning? The next live show is there and I was thinking maybe we could hangout at my place before we went to the arena" "Yeah! Sounds fun".

Later that night, you and Colby were sitting in your hotel room watching TV when your phone went off with a text from Stephanie saying you needed to get to Davenport ASAP. You and Colby frantically packed your things and took off for the airport. You both were able to get the last flight out. You arrived in Davenport around 4 in the morning and went straight to the hotel and Colby went to his place. You told your sister that you were in town and she texted you back saying you needed to be at the arena at 7. You took a quick nap and started getting ready around 5. You showered and let your hair dry naturally. You put on your red dress that came down to your midthigh and had long sleeves and was low cut. You threw on your black heels and did a simple smokey eye for your makeup and put on red lipstick that matched your dress. You looked at the clock and it was 6:15 so you decided to go ahead and head down to the arena.

At the arena, you went straight to your dad's office. You knocked and he said come in. You walked in and he told you to have a seat. "So. Rachael. I've been speaking with management down at NXT and reviewing your tapes with Paul and creative. We want you to come up and join us on the main roster" "Oh my God! Are you serious!?". You jumped out of your seat and hugged your dad. "Now, which brand is still undecided, but we're gonna work you on both until SummerSlam is over" "Wow. Thank You so much, daddy! You won't regret this" "I know. Now, I want you to go and find creative.. They're already working with our gear designers to get you new ring gear". You thanked your dad again and walked out. You looked at your phone and saw that it was almost 9:00. You couldn't believe you'd been in that meeting for so long. You went and talked to creative and the designers and picked out your ring gear and music. You picked out shorts like Nikki Bella's and your top was more like Bailey's both blood red with black letters. You decided on sneakers like Nikki, only you had black sneakers. You decided to wear white knee high socks with your gear.

By the time you got done, it was noon and superstars were starting to show up. You made your way over to catering and got a salad and Dr.Pepper and went and sat down at one of the tables. You weren't paying any attention and jumped a little when Colby sat down in front of you with his own salad and bottle of water. "So, how's your day been?" "Good! I had a meeting with dad and have been in meetings all day -" "Wait, meetings? Is everything okay?" "Everything's great! But if I tell you what happened, you gotta keep it a secret" "Okay...". You got up and sat beside Colby and he turned and faced you. "I'm getting pulled up! It's not definite on which brand I'll be on, but -". Colby interrupted you by putting both of his hands on either side of your face and pulled you into a kiss. "Holy shit! That's amazing!" "Yeah, it is.." You sat there staring at Colby and he realized what he did. "Oh shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean -" "Do it again". Colby looked confused at first, but then smiled and leaned in and kissed you again. He pulled back and said "So, uh... We're kissing now" "We're kissing now". The two of you smiled at each other. As the night went on, you watched SmackDown Live and talked with Colby. After it was over, Colby asked if you wanted to go back to his place and you said yes.

Colby pulled into the driveway and turned the car off and the two of you walked up to the door. Colby unlocked the door and the two of you walked into his living room and you saw a bucket with ice and a bottle of wine in it and roses beside it. Colby walked over to the flowers and picked them up and handed them to you. "What's this?" "This... This is what I've been wanting to do for months. Rachael Lynn McMahon.. Will you go on a date with me?". You smiled and took the flowers and wrapped your arms around his neck and put your forehead to his. "So is this a yes?" "Yes". Colby smiled widely and kissed you. When the kiss ended, he took the flowers from you and took your hand in his and walked you over to the dining room. You sat down at the table and watched him put your roses in a vase and pulled 2 plates out of the cabinet and put them on the table and lit the candles that were sitting on the table. He went and got the wine and 2 wine glasses from the living room and hurried back into the dining room. "Give me a second to change, I'll be right back".

When he came back from his bedroom, he was wearing black slacks and a white button down shirt with a tie that matched your dress and had his hair pulled back into a low bun. "Damn, you clean up good" you said as he pulled 2 plates out of the oven and put one down in front of you. He sat down in the chair beside yours (he had a round table that seats 4) and the two of you started eating. "So, how did you pull this off? You've been at the arena all day" "Well.. While you were busy all morning, I cleaned my house and went and bought a bottle of wine and flowers. I called my best friend and had him come over here about 2 hours before we left the arena. He cooked the chicken and green beans and mashed potatoes and dessert. He put the wine in the ice bucket 10 minutes before we got here" "Oh my gosh.. This is amazing" "Not as amazing as you" Colby said as he grabbed your hand. The two of you finished dinner and talked. "Are you ready for dessert?" "Yes!". Colby got up and pulled the brownie out of the fridge and put a scoop of ice cream and chocolate and caramel syrup on top. After dessert, Colby walked you back into the living room and turned on music. "Care to dance?" "Of course". You took his hand and the two of you danced. He had his hand on your left hip and put your left arm around his neck and he held your right hand. You dance for a few minutes and you wrapped both arms around his neck and he put both hands on your hips. "So, was this a good first date?" "It was an AMAZING first date". Colby leaned down and kissed you softly. After the music ended, the two of you sat on the couch and talked until almost 1AM. Colby then drove you to your hotel room and kissed you goodnight.

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