Chapter 14

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The following month had a few bumps in the road. You lost your Women's Championship because your opponent had someone come out and distract you. You were currently sitting at catering wearing your ring gear (this is after your match) and your hair pulled up in a messy bun and your makeup wiped off and you had on Colby's WWE zip up hoodie.

You were flipping through Twitter when you saw that someone had tagged you in a tweet and you opened it to see the headline "WWE Superstar Seth Rollins Cheating On Girlfriend, RaeLynn?". You opened it and read through. It said that a source close to both superstars had reported witnessing Colby walking out of a random hotel room and kissing a woman goodbye that wasn't Rae. You DM'd the tweet to your sister and she came and found you at catering. "You don't really believe this, do you? I mean there's no photo or video evidence. He's been with you this whole time, right?" "Except when he went to the gym while I took a shower and took a nap". Just then, Colby came walking up to your table and sat down. He slid his shirt back on. "I'm gonna leave you two alone". "What was that about?" "This". You handed Colby your phone and he read the article. "Babe, you know this is fake, right?". You just sat there trying not to cry. "Rae... Rae, look at me". You looked up at him with tears streaming down your face. He got up and moved to your side of the table and sat beside you and wiped your eyes. "Rae, don't cry. I'm not cheating on you" "then why would someone come up with this? WHO would come up with this?". Colby pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back as you cried into his chest. "I don't know, but I am definitely NOT cheating on you. I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that, right?" *You nodded your head yes* "Rae.. Rachael. Look at me" *you look up and see that he's about to start crying too* "I am not cheating on you. I would NEVER do something like this. I'll call that company tomorrow and demand who said that. I love you, Rae". Colby kissed you and wrapped you in a hug again. "Are you okay?" "I am now.. I think seeing that just brought up a bunch of old feelings from when Austin cheated on me and I let myself believe that maybe you would" "I never would. I promise, you're the only woman I ever want to kiss. The only woman I ever want to share my secrets with. The only woman I ever want to have sex with. I don't want anyone else. I want you. Okay? I love you" "I love you too".

After RAW, Colby took you out to dinner and dancing. The next day was your birthday and you had the day off.

The next morning, you woke up to Colby rubbing your back. "Morning, Cole" "Morning. Sleep good?" "Yeah, I did". You rolled onto your back and kissed Colby. "I called that company that posted that article. They gave me the name of who reported the story to them. It was some random fan that was staying in the same hotel as us. He saw me walking out of OUR hotel room. I'm guessing he didn't recognize you with no makeup and your hair up". Hearing that made you feel a lot better. "Now. Let's get you up and showered and dressed. I got a big day planned for your birthday". You and Colby had flown to Nashville for your birthday and you were beyond excited. You got up and took a shower; letting your hair air dry. You slid on your white Daisy Duke shorts and a black tanktop and your black converse and only put on mascara. Colby dressed in his usual black workout shorts and grey T-Shirt and sneakers and threw his hair in a messy bun and the two of you headed for the rental car.

All day, Colby spoiled and pampered you. You went to the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Opry for a backstage tour, went on a boat ride down at the lake, and spent the rest of the day laughing and doing whatever came to mind. Once you were back at your hotel, You and Colby changed clothes and went out to dinner. Colby wore his black suit and you wore a silky black jumpsuit that was spaghetti strapped and showed your entire back and was lowcut. showed off your figure very well. You and Colby headed down to the restaraunt and were eating desert when Colby slid into the booth beside you and took your left hand in his hands. "Rae.. You make me so incredibly happy" *He pulls out a small box to reveal a diamond infinity symbol ring* "I promise to always love you. I promise to make sure that you're taken care of and happy. I promise to make you always feel beautiful; even when you're having a bad day and don't. You're the love of my life and I promise that one day, I'm going to ask you to be my wife. I love you so much. With all that being said.. Rachael Lynn McMahon... Do you accept my promise?". Your eyes filled with tears and you said yes. Colby pulled the ring out of the box and slid it onto your left hand and kissed you. "Colby, this is beautiful" "A beautiful girl requires a beautiful ring". He kissed you again and went to move to his side of the table again. "No, stay. I want a picture". You pulled your phone out and took a selfie of the two of you smiling, a second one with you holding your left hand up, a third one of the ring. Colby went and sat back down on his side of the table and you said "Babe, smile!". He smiled at you and you quickly snapped a picture of him.

After you got back to the hotel room, you opened Instagram and uploaded the pictures. You put the one of you and Colby first, then the second one of you and Colby with your hand up showing off the ring, then the one of the ring, and then the one of Colby. You captioned it: "This man just surprised me with the most beautiful promise ring a girl could ever dream of. I don't know what I did to deserve a man like this, but I'm glad I did it. I love you, babe". You tagged Colby in it and hit post. He quickly commented: "Anything for you, Rae. I love you". The two of you changed clothes and climbed into bed and slept in until noon the following day. Hey, when you have a day free of travel, you sleep.

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