Chapter 28

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The next couple of months, you spent most of your time in the bathroom throwing up and sleeping. Pregnancy wasn't very nice to you.

You were 6 months pregnant and Colby had been gone for almost a month. You missed him more than anything. You made sure to turn up the volume on the TV every time Colby was on so the baby could hear his voice. Every time Colby FaceTimed you, he talked to your belly. It was the sweetest thing.

You were sitting on the couch wearing a pair of leggings with a white maternity T-Shirt and your uggs and your hair in a messy bun and no makeup. You were about to take a nap when you heard the door open. You turned around and Colby was walking through the door. He sat his suitcase down and shut the door. You got up as quickly as you could and and wrapped him in a hug. He went upstairs and put on sweatpants and a T-Shirt and joined you on the couch. "Hey" "Hey". Colby kissed you after you said hey and laid his head down on your lap and looked up at you. You were talking about his latest tour and you felt something in your belly and your face went white. Colby immediately sat up and and grabbed your left hand worriedly. "Rach, are you okay? What's wrong?". You felt it again and smiled widely at him. "Everything's perfect. Here". You took his hand and placed it on the right side of your belly and he felt it. "She's kicking!?". You giggled and smiled. "That's the first time! She's really in there!". Colby kissed you and bent down and kissed where the baby kicked. "Daddy loves you, baby girl". The baby kicked again and you giggled. "She's reacting to your voice! Keep going!". You opened your phone and recorded a video of him talking: "Daddy loves you, baby girl. I can't wait to meet you. I've missed you and your mommy so much". You posted the video and captioned it: "The world knows the big and bad Seth Rollins.. But they don't know the sweet and gentle Colby Lopez that I do. We just felt Baby Girl kick for the FIRST TIME and he's been talking to her ever since. I love you so much, Colby Daniel. Please don't kill me for this" you added the heart eyes emoji, pink heart, smiling face, and laughing face. Colby opened his phone and saw your post and smiled and reposted it adding his own caption above yours and said "I can't believe we felt her kick for the first time! I cannot wait to meet her. And Rach... I'm only this way for you and our baby girl.. The second I see her crying over some boy, I'll go defensive daddy and be big and bad Seth Rollins. I promise" and added the winky face emoji with a pink heart.

The next couple of days were spent talking and laughing with Colby. He made breakfast and the two of you ate on the deck watching the waves.

Once Colby left, the kicking slowed way down. It made your heart happy that she was so active when Colby was around. She's definitely gonna be a daddy's girl. You felt her kick three or four times every 2 hours and when you were hungry.

On Monday, you were sitting on the couch in your athletic shorts and white tank top and waited for RAW to start. Once it started, you heard Colby's music hit and you smiled widely and turned it up. The whole time he was talking, the baby kicked and you rubbed where she was kicking. You recorded a video of your belly moving from the kicks and made sure you got the TV in the background. You posted the video to Instagram and captioned it: "This kid is gonna be a Daddy's Girl through and through. She kicks nonstop when she hears @wwerollins on TV. It's the cutest thing I've seen in a long time, but my ribs are SORE. Miss you, babe. Baby and I can't wait for you to get home". You hit post and continued watching TV. You fell asleep and woke up to your phone dinging. Colby had commented on your post saying "I love you both so damn much. I'll be home soon". You liked his comment and commented 5 hearts back to him and locked your phone. A little while later, you were almost asleep and Colby called you and the two of you talked until you fell asleep.

The next morning, you got up and made your way into your bathroom to shower. After you showered, you put on your maternity skinny jeans and an off the shoulder sweater and slid on your grey slip on shoes; getting dressed was a little harder now that your belly was bigger. You threw your hair up in a messy bun and headed to the car for your doctor's appointment.

Your doctor's appointment went amazing. The baby showed her face and you got some really good ultrasound pictures to show Colby when he got home.

When you got home, you walked through the front door and saw Colby asleep on the couch still in his jeans and T-Shirt. You walked over and moved his shoes out of the way with your foot and sat down and touched his arm and he sat up. "Hey stranger. Long time no see". Colby smiled as you spoke and sat up and kissed you. He sat up and you scooted next to him and he put his left arm around you and his right hand on your belly. "Daddy missed you and mommy so much, baby girl". The baby kicked where his hand was and you smiled. You were so incredibly happy.

The next day, you and Colby got dressed and took a walk on the beach. Your hair was braided and you didn't have makeup on. You wore maternity jean shorts and Colby helped you tie your white converse. You had on a black tank top and a waist length grey cardigan. Colby wore his basketball shorts and a black WWE Performance Center T-Shirt and his red and black sneakers with his hair pulled back into a messy bun.

After your walk, you headed back to the house for lunch and just spent time together. Colby took a picture of the ultrasound picture and set it as his home screen wallpaper and set the picture of you and him holding the pink balloon and kissing as his lock screen picture. He was home until after New Year and you were beyond excited to spend the next couple of weeks with him.

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