Chapter 4 Part 6 - My room!

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A/N - I own everything in this story and I tried my best to make it historically accurate, but no promises though, as I might have to look up websites and such to make sure it's accurate since I forgot nearly everything I learnt in my old history class as I only remember the most important parts, but not the minor details. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Dorothy opens her room, where she sees James in her room.
"Hey! That's my room!" Dorothy shouted.
"You have no authority to kick me out," James told her. "I'm wealthier then you and very useful to your family's business,"
"So you're okay with being used?!" Dorothy asked harshly.
"If it boosts up my own business," James replied, "Then yes,"
"You dastard!" Dorothy shouted at him.
"Learn some manners, woman!" James yelled at her back, "I will be your king after our marriage, so I expect you will tend to our future children, cook meals, clean the houses and more while I continue with my business,"
"Seriously?!" Dorothy shouted in shock.

"Of course," James replied, "That's how all marriages work; wives stay in the house while us men go to work to bring money. You should be grateful!"
"As if!" Dorothy shouted.

James glares at his fiancée and walks off as he purposely bumps into Dorothy's shoulder.
"Ha!" James laughed as he leaves.

Dorothy sighs and shakes her head.
"Great... this is a very terrible day indeed..." Dorothy thought before she starts changing her clothes in pyjamas and starts sleeping in her bed, alone. "At least I'm not alone anymore..."

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you do, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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