Chapter 21 - Abigail

Start from the beginning

The three men, looked visibly shocked.

"If that's what I decide, then, yes I promise you can be the one to kill her." Dutch replied.

"We need to keep a check on the post," Arthur said. "Abigail's sister will know, soon enough, that I took Jack. When Abigail finds out, she will send a letter to Tacitus Kilgore."

Hosea nodded, "We will have to be very careful, because the Pinkertons won't be far behind."

Arthur smiled, "Alden, at the Rhodes post office, can be very discreet. I'll have a word with him."

"Good," Dutch nodded, "all we have to do now is wait."

Patience was never really Dutch's strong point, and despite Casie, not being his daughter by blood, it wasn't hers either.

It had been a week, since they snatched Jack. He had settled back into camp life, relatively easily. Arthur had gone into Rhodes, every other day, but there was still no letter, or contact from Abigail.

Casie, decided she'd had enough waiting around. She went in search of Micah, at least they could go out, and make some money, or something. She looked at her empty second holster. Time to fill it, she thought.

Micah, was sitting on a log, cleaning his guns. Casie sat down beside him.

"Can we do something?" She asked, coming straight to the point.

Micah, put his pistol, back in his holster. "What did you have in mind?"

Casie, tapped her empty holster, "and sitting round here, waiting for some god-damn letter to arrive, is driving me crazy," she sighed.

Micah grinned, "lets go find you a second gun, and then we can find somewhere to test it out."

Micah and Casie, headed to Rhodes. The gunsmith there was well stocked, and Micah had in mind, finding something a bit special for Casie.

They walked up to the counter, Micah looked at Casie "oh no, you go over their, I'm gonna sort this, call it a late birthday gift."

Casie laughed, "Ya know, you're just the best," she walked over to the window, and looked at the comings and goings of Rhodes.

Micah walked over to Casie, and tapped her on the shoulder, he handed her the pistol.

It was gold, with an Ebony handle. Engraved into the ebony wood, was a horses head.

On the barrel was engraved three simple words, Strength, Courage and Wisdom.

Casie ran her fingers along the engraving, and felt the pistol in her hand, it was beautifully balanced. She smiled, and put the gun in its holster. "Are you too tough, for a hug?" she asked, smiling.

Micah smiled back, and they hugged each other tightly, for a moment. In that moment, Casie knew, whatever happened, Micah would always have her back.

Casie, opened the door of the gunsmith. They were about to leave the shop, and go out into the street, when Micah pulled her quickly back inside. He pulled her to the side of the door, and he stood on the other side, peering through the glass, then moving his head back, so he stayed out of site. Casie, did the same, wondering what Micah had seen.

Then she saw. Abigail!

"What should we do?" She asked Micah, in a whisper.

"How the hell should I know, I'm not used to all this cloak and dagger shit!" He grumbled.

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