#10 lottery section unlocked

42 10 1

"Level 0
(Young miss, Emma Macloy)

Ethan kept staring. He didn't know what to say. He never saw anyone like this.

Is she soo weak?

"System analyze her condition!", Ethan asked the system as he couldn't control his curiosity.

After leveling up, when he reached level 18, system got a little updated, and update was Analyze.

With help of this update, now he can see details of the material. He tried analyzing a stone on that weird island and it was analyzed in detail, like its composition etc etc. Similarly he analyzed a bystander old man, couldn't get his composition but was still in much detail. System couldn't tell in depth details without coming in contact but it was much better than just level popping.


"Subject, Emma Macloy has been analyzed!"

Suffering from an acute disease. Can't analyze in depth without contact. But the meridians may be damaged.

Meridians like in novels? In cultivation novels stuff? But I'm the one to talk, having a weird system in my brain. That's interesting.

"System do you have solution for this problem?", Ethan asked system, as he was planning something.


"Yes, if the problem is with the meridians then solution is available. Host can buy manual and silver needles in store.", System informed.

Oh, system your cool man. Lemme check. As Ethan opened the store, he was completely dumb founded. System i take my words back.

Silver needles: 10 points
Acupuncture manual: 210 points

I have zero points right now. How can I afford these. I should do some missions maybe. Yes!

As he kept looking at her, he become more and more resolute. I'll save the damsel in distress! Definitely!


After work when he reached home, he thought of doing missions. So he opened the mission panel. In mission panel there was only one mission. That was to get in detail of matter of digging. Deadline was still far so Ethan didn't pay attention to it for now.

I didn't get a daily mission today, right?


"Daily mission: monitor the alley where the undead was found, for one night."

Speak of the devil... and What kinda stupid mission is this? You are getting more and more unreasonable day by day. But well I can't ignore it.

So Ethan changed clothes, wore a windbreaker and went to that alley. Arriving there, he looked around but there was nothing noteworthy.

"Where's the best spot for proper observation? Hmm that house looks good.", Than Ethan's figure blurred and he appeared on roof of a three story house.

Oh, I should wear that mask!

Ethan thought of the mask and it appeared on his face. It was a fit like it was specifically made for him. He didn't know how he was looking but he knew, the mask was cool!

It was 2 am in morning. After stalking for 3 hours, he still didn't feel anything or notice anything. After leveling up, his all five senses were sharp.


"I'm sleepy, you system! What's the point of mission?", Ethan was annoyed now but still he got no answer from system.

As Ethan started to nod in sleep, suddenly he felt a presense in the alley. He opened his eyes wide open and looked in alley.

There were two people, a girl and a boy. Boy was around 22 years old, wearing a dark blue fighting suite. And girl was almost 14 years old, wearing a tight fitting fighting blue suite. Her expression was like she didn't care about anything in this world. But she was a beauty to behold. If Emma was a flower in a sunny day, radiating, then this young girl was a flower in rain. She was giving a complete cold expression.

Ethan looked at them and sucked a mouthful of air because they were strong.

"Level 47
(Subordinate of lord Benjamin)"

"Level 39
( ????)"

Subordinate of Lord Benjamin!!

What are they doing here at this late? And that little girl? Is she allowed to go out this late! Why are there question marks in her occupation or title? Ethan was just pondering on these things when he saw the boy making some movement.

The boy brought out some kind of radar and was moving it around. Ethan didn't know what was he doing.

Boy pov:
"Here is the smell of blood and presence of undead of master.", The boy said it not loud but enough loud that Ethan was able to hear with his upgraded listening.

"...", Girl kept silent, not saying anything.

After some more observation, they both blurred and gone.


"Mission completed. Host has obtained 60 points. Host's level is also increased to 20. Now host can buy things from store."

"Congratulations to host for unlocking the lottery section. One lottery will be available daily for host. Today's lottery is available."

Oh already? Good thing. And a lottery section? Well I'm sleepy, I'll check it later. Ethan also blurred and went home.


Name : Ethan
Level : 20

Stats point : 3


Strength: 50





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