#6 first combat

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An artificial like...a robot?

"Hey system explain in detail will ya?", Ethan asked impatiently. He knew if this system gave him a warning then it can't be a good thing.

"It's an artificial thing summoned by human. Not a living thing. Not alive.", System explained and went silent again.

Not alive?

Should i get closer?

Ethan braced himself and went a little deeper in the alley.

The alley was completely dark and the only sound that can be heard was of something being eaten. As Ethan got closer, he was able to see it's level

"Level 13
(Undead of lord Benjamin)"

Wait why's that name so good sounding!?

Is he some real lord or king like person?

Am i stepping in some deep shit again?

Maybe i should turn away...yep i should.

As he was going to turn away, the undead looked at him directly into his eyes.

How did he noticed me? I didn't even make a noise!


Undead made some unrecognizeable noises that made Ethan cringe. But he suddenly felt like running because the undead was coming towards him.


"Hostile artificial creature detected!"

"Wow system! How useful. Like i couldn't see it!", Ethan Rebuked the system angrily.
But as usual system was being obedient and being silent.

"Yo, bro shouldn't you give me some help in dealing with the creature?", Ethan asked the system anxiously but no response from system.

"Fine, don't u dare utter a single thing when I'll heroically die!", Ethan kept running while the undead was gaining on him.

Ethan looked around to find something that could help him but couldn't. He kept running but he knew this isn't the solution.

As he came out of alley, he didn't see a single person around. He thought something was amiss but still couldn't pinpoint it. As he was going to run again, he saw a metal pipe.

His eyes shining, he picked up the metal pipe and set it on his shoulder and posed like a lonely warrior.

"Who he shall come, shall not be allowed to pass!", Ethan thought of himself as a Majestic being by saying that line.

But the undead didn't stop at all. He kept charging at Ethan. As he got close, he swung his arm towards Ethan's head but it wasn't that fast so Ethan was able to dodge it.

After dodging, he pierced the stomach of undead but to no avail. Undead wasn't affected. But Ethan was still serious and didn't show any kind of confusion.

"System how should I deal with it?", Maybe seeing Ethan serious, the system also replied.

"Host should try to lure the artificial creature in water, as this one is low level.", System gave Ethan a way to deal with the undead.

"Let's go to the downtown stream then, shall we Mr. Undead", after saying this sarcastically, Ethan started to run again.

Downtown stream was only a few minutes walk from here, so it was easy for Ethan to do this.

As he reached the stream, he stopped and turned around to face the undead again.

As the undead approached him and was going to attack but Ethan simply Dodged him. As the undead wasn't too high level, he didn't have any intelligence except for basic instinct.

Ethan pushed the undead from behind and the undead fell into the river. Ethan also jumped in the river and stabbed the undead right into his head.


"Congratulations to host for killing a creature 10 levels above himself for 1st time. Small gift pack have been given."

"Host's level has been increased to 7."

"Stats points have been given to host. Host may allocate the points according to his own wishes."

Many notifications came from the system one after the other. Ethan felt like his whole body has been washed by something, it was too comforting.

"Phew that was tough, but in the end I, Ethan the great has emerged as a victor!", Ethan role played again to showoff again.


"Remaining time for daily mission: 10 hours!", Suddenly system gave him another notification.


He went back to that alley to get in depth detail of the whole situation.


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