Chapter Eleven - The Truth

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I stayed out in the yard and walked over to Xavier and Toni.

"Is that boy wonder" Toni said clicking her tongue.

"Boy wonder?" I questioned.

"Well he looks kind of preppy." She laughed.

"He looked happy to see me here." Xavier interjected. "Guess he hasn't forgiven our friendly hug"

"Xavier.... would you forgive him if it was the other way around" I laughed nudging him with my elbow.

"There wouldn't be anything to forgive. Excuse me. I need to get another beer." Xavier moved around me then walked over to the other guys. He wasn't as happy as he had been earlier. Something had changed and now that Noah was here, I wouldn't be able to find out what.

"Anyone would think that boy is hung up on you" Toni whispered.

"Who? Noah?" I whispered.

"No doofus, Xavier."

"What makes you say that?"

"Oh I don't know. The way he talks about you, the way he looks at you, the way he hates Noah." she spoke sardonically, but I knew she was being serious.

"You picked up on all that in the short time Noah's been here?"

"The Noah part yes. The rest has been there for years."

I choked on my own saliva I was that shocked. What the hell was Toni insinuating? Surely he hadn't...

"What are you saying?"

"I'd bet my bottom dollar he liked you... maybe even loved you in high school." She murmured.

"I doubt that.... very much" I replied.

If he had, why hadn't he told me then? If he had I never would have dated Ryan. The Xavier I knew now had been there from the start, he just hadn't let me in. I'd have fallen right back, if what Toni said was true.

Xavier POV

I was absurdly quiet during dinner. Noah and I engaged in death stares almost the whole night. There was something unsettling about him. There wasn't a moment where he wasn't touching Scarlett in some way. It made me want to jump up on the table and sink my fists into his smug face. He charmed everyone with his smooth words, and like I had feared, by the time dessert had rolled around, he'd pulled Scarlett firmly under his hypnosis. I left as soon as the dessert was served. I drove back to the hotel and wrote a song. The words had been traveling around in my head all night, every time I looked at the two of them more words came. More anger, more love, more pure fear.

I told you I didn't want you.

Because it seemed easier to lie.

Now I know that's not the truth

Because I have to see you with another guy.

The way he looks at you kills me

Because he doesn't know you like I do

now I have to let my jealousy free

Because like him, I don't deserve you

I kept writing, the lyrics were cheesy and cliche, but I didn't care, they were helping me release the anger.

For two whole weeks I hid in my hotel room and wrote shitty lyrics. I slumped on everything else in my life. Scarlett, recording, tour prep. Scarlett had called me numerous times, but I'd ignored the calls. The last message had been her simply saying "and you thought I'd forget about you"

I'd played it over and over again. I was a mess over her. I couldn't forget her, that's why I was stuck in this stupid room with my boy band lyrics and a broken heart. I'd told myself I'd answer the next time she called. But it had been a week since the last time she'd tried, and she hadn't called again. Not once.

"Xavier. Dj's said we have to go in tomorrow. He's given you leeway cos you said you were exhausted, but we go on tour in a month, our album needs to be finished in the next two weeks" Jay exclaimed walking into my bedroom. "It fucking reeks in here man."

"It's the Cheetos and dirty socks" I croaked. I smiled as I thought of the Cheetos. They reminded me of her. It's why I'd bought them.

"Your a mess man."

"I made a big mistake." I replied

"Fix it then." Jay insisted.

"It's too late now. She's with him."

"It's never too late dude. Besides. Isla said they've been having issues already."

"issues?" I'd kill the bastard.

"He had to go out of town for work. Almost forced her to go. She said she had work and couldn't so he kind of just stormed out."

"Forced her?"

"well, suggested strongly."

I shook my head and sat up. There was something wrong with that fruit loop alright, and I'd prove it.


Sorry it took me so long to update. I've been sick. Feeling better now though, so here you go!

I'll be updating in about an hour too, I have chapter 12 written, it just needs a quick edit first, but I don't have time to do it now.

As always, feel free to follow me on twitter @eelyah21 or

Love yas!

Going Nowhere [Watty 2014 Winner] Coming soon to GalateaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu