Chapter 20 - St. Denis

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Arthur nodded in agreement.

Finally, Casie thought. They've agreed on something, at least.

"How many O'Driscolls?" Casie asked, as she pulled the rifle, from her saddle.

"Dunno, six...eight." Micah shrugged. "Not important, not with you, and your rifle," Micah winked at Casie.

Arthur rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

They didn't have to wait long for the O'Driscolls to turn up. As it was, there were twelve.

Arthur glared at Micah, he didn't have to speak, the expression on his face said it all.

The O'Driscolls dismounted, and the one, who appeared to be in charge, grabbed a saddle bag from his horse.

Micah silently pointed to Casie, and the four she would need to take out, then did the same to Arthur.

He did a silent countdown on his fingers. Three, two, one.

Casie took out her first two targets quickly, one a head shot, the other, a shot to the chest.

Micah as usual, used his beloved pistols, dispatching his targets quickly. Arthur, who was also using a rifle, took out his first two targets, then switched to his pistols.

Casie, watching Arthur did the same, it saved time on reloading the rifle. She was more comfortable shooting the rifle, but speed was needed here. She took out her remaining two targets, relatively easily, despite the fact that both Arthur and Micah had two pistols, and she only had one.

Casie smiled at the two men, and rolled her eyes, "O'Driscolls." She sneered.

The two men laughed.

Micah walked across to where the leader had dropped the saddle bag, after he had been shot.

Casie and Arthur followed.

Micah, pulled out several wads of cash, and a few gold bars. "Must be about two or three thousand here, plus the gold bars."

Casie laughed, "we should do this more often, it was so easy."

Arthur looked around nervously, "yeah a bit too easy, if you ask me, lets get outta here."

For once, Arthur was wrong. They rode back to Shady Belle, with no further interference. They decided to split the cash, and give the gold bars to the camp funds. As they arrived back, Casie saw Dutch, waiting outside the house. She hoped he hadn't been worried, or pissed, that she had gone off without saying where she was going. She guessed she'd find out soon enough.

"Give me the gold bars, Micah" she said, "I'll give them to Dutch, for the camp funds."

Micah smirked, "or a peace offering, just in case you're in trouble for riding off, without letting Daddy know."

Casie punched him in the arm.

"Ow," he smirked.

Casie grinned, "be grateful that was your arm, and not your nose."

Arthur laughed, "or your balls!"

Micah rolled his eyes at Arthur, and handed the gold bars to Casie.

Casie walked towards Dutch. "Am I still under house arrest," she asked.

"I think, considering everything that's gone on, in the last few weeks, I'm allowed to be a little concerned." He huffed.

"Hold out your hands," she countered, with a smile.

Dutch held out his hands, and Casie placed the gold bars, into them. "Do you trust me now?"

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