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After much hard work Ivy, Gia, and Julia had trained themselves about their new lives the art of kidnapping. Little did Jacob know they had something sinister planned.

Just like that, me, Julia and Gia would be stuck here for the rest of our lives. Cooking, punishing, watching. When Jacob first brought them in I was shocked. But now it has become my mission to help them escape alive, one way or another.

The first step into this plan wouldn't be so simple, I would need to find the exit. If only I could get out of this house check my surroundings and then go back in, an idea popped into my head that I wasn't really fancying but it was my only choice if I were to help them escape.

I went to find Gia but she wasn't anywhere to be seen, I checked the whole house but I couldn't find her anywhere. A scream echoed around the house, it had to be Gia. I ran to where it was coming from, I stopped in front of a door the screaming had to be coming from in there.

I slowly opened the door and saw Gia strapped down to what must have been Jacob's bed, she had fear in her eyes and looked like she was going to pass out. Right in her chest was the piece of wood that Jacob had killed multiple people with. Her blood was all around the room, the amount of blood loss wasn't healthy. I entered the room to see Jacob looking proudly down at Gia.

"She's going to die isn't she?" I thought.

I rushed over to her and held her in my arms, it was what felt right. My tears had washed away some of the blood that covered her face, but even with crying, nothing would bring her back from the grave. She slowly opened her eyes and mouthed "I love you" and then all the heat left her body.

"Looks like you have some cleaning up to do," I said coldly through tears.

"Yeah, it looks like I do, but would you rather do it since it was your suggestion."

"I would rather not, thanks," I said as I walked out of the room.

I went to what used to be our room and sat there, the others watching me. I wanted to be someone like Max, someone who could bring hope. After what happened to Gia I don't know if I can be.

"Hey my name is Luke," the male said

"I'm Emma"

"I'm Mia"

"And I'm Abigail"

"I'm Ivy as you probably already know," I said

"What's wrong?" Abigail asked

"Jacob" I muttered

"What happened," Emma asked

"He killed my friend, and if you're not careful he will do the same to you," I said tears falling down my face.

Emma took me in her arms and soon everyone was hugging me, I felt happy again.

"Not to be rude or anything, but were you kidnapped?" Emma asked

"That's not rude and yes I was, so were my friends," I said sitting up straight.

She gave me a look of sympathy and they continued to hug me. I had missed the love and kindness other people bring, I haven't been outdoors in months I've only seen the same people for months, things needed to change. That change was me. Who knows how long they have done this behind closed doors, it was time to expose those types of people to the world.

Jacob burst into the door and smiled when he saw me with the others. He ran over to me and brought me out.

"What were you doing in there?" he laughed "making friends?"

"Why would you care you hurt them all the same?" I said

"That's where you got it all wrong," he said, "It's you that would be punished."

I was shoved into the front room and told to sit down. Julia came out of one of the many doors and smiled at Jacob. Julia walked over to Jacob and stood there beside him waiting for him to start speaking.

"Now as you see young Julia here has welcomed her stay and is behaving, now you, on the other hand need some work to do," He said.

"That's the thing you may have brainwashed her but it's not going to work on me," I said anger rising in my voice.

He chuckled and left the room Julia following close behind him. "What has my life become," I thought, and that's when my plan popped into my head again and the steps I needed to follow. I decided to cross out step 1 for now focusing more on the others.

"All I need to do is act like Julia and I might gain some trust," I thought as I walked out of the living room searching for Jacob.

I found Jacob in his bedroom getting Julia to clean the mess of it just thinking about what had happened in that room made me want to barf. I waited until she was done cleaning until I came in. Jacob greeted me with a smile and sat me down on the bed.

"Why hello, how nice of it, it is to see you," he said.

"Hi," I mumbled.

I took a deep breath and said, " What do you want me to do?"

His smile got even wider and he said: "Go get the blood bags some food."

I stood there for a second not understanding what he had just said. Then it clicked we were going to drink their blood in the near future. "Yes sir," I said sounding completely different from my normal self.

I did as I was told and brought them food but I warned them about something that was bugging for quite some time, "If you're talking about Jacob or anything important say it in a whisper, he has super hearing and will punish you if you say something stupid."

"Ok," Emma said starting to accept that I could be trusted.

I left the room and saw Jacob standing in the living room with a knife playfully turned towards me.

It will be Ivy's POV for the rest of the chapters

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