001 (Ivy)

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                                                       School, the place everyone hates. 

 Except for Ivy, she loved it. When the bell rung to end the day a feeling of dread filled Ivy's lungs like every day before, she hated to leave school. To leave her friends, to leave the amazing sense of feeling like she belongs. When she goes home its like shes not even their, nobody cares about her at home like at school. So when she went missing nobody cared , well the people that would have cared may or may not have been kidnapped too.

Julia, Gia, Lisa, and me. We all have something to hide, and that's what brought us together. 

That was also probably the reason we all got kidnapped together. I was the first to awake into the new nightmare that would change our lives. I opened my eyes and noticed that it was pitch black and we were chained to the wall with big heavy metal chains.

When the rest woke up we heard a creak of the door. I turned my head and saw the first bit of light for probably hours. A female walked in and slipped a plate of food onto the floor. She left and closed the door. I heard talking outside it sounded muffled. After what seemed like many hours the door burst open and what looked like a man in his 20's walked in. He unchained us from the wall and brought us to what looked like the living room.

On the couch, the female I saw from earlier was sitting looking calm like she wasn't involved in a kidnapping. On her right was another man, he had a look of sorrow on his face. Almost like his face was telling us how sorry he was. The man that took us out of our "room" pushed us towards the couch.

"Now that everyone's here"the female started. "my name is Olivia, he is Jacob" she said pointing to the guy that brought us here. "and that guy over their is Max" she said pointing towards the guy that looked sorry. "so?" Gia questioned.

 I've read way to many crime books to not realize how far she was pushing her luck.

"Now the rules" she exclaimed clasping her hands together. " I think I can take it for now Liv" the Jacob guy said as he swiftly stood up. 

"no escaping"; "obviously" I thought rolling my eyes. "no fighting, no back talking" he continued quickly glancing at Gia. "if you break any rules it will result in punishment, okay?' he asked us. "okay" we mumbled clearly frightened. We got ushered back to our so called room. "Don't worry, I will take you all out one by one to show you around" Jacob whispered in my ear , grinning evilly. As he shut the door he placed a lamp on a table, "now i hope i can trust you guys for the night to not put the chains back,". Before anyone could respond he slammed the door shut and turned the lock.

Now that we had a light and weren't chained to the wall I could get a pretty good look of the room I was in. Bordered along the walls of the room were chains, their was no bed but in the close their were extremely soft blankets for us to use. I decided to look inside the bedside table that carried the lamp. In the top drawer there were of course some little knicky nackys but one special thing caught my eye. A bobby pin. I didn't understand why a kidnapper would leave a very key component of escape out in the open. Well it would be key if the doors were locked of course. I looked in the other drawers but their was nothing of use so I stopped looking. that's when I realized that all my friends were just staring at me, i must of looked weird or something or they wouldn't just stare at me for no reason.

That's when I heard a sudden movement behind me and I froze, some how I knew it was Jacob and he wasn't here for a good reason. I slowly turned around and saw Jacob stare down at me smiling, while holding a knife in his hand. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the now unlocked room. " I see you found the drawers" he snarled into my ear, bringing the knife closer and closer to my neck watching me squirm. "Now give me the bobby pin you little brat" he commanded. 

"NO!" I yelled trying desperately to squirm away from him. He gripped my arm so tightly I thought it was going to lose circulation, but he let go. "now if you try to pull that again, it won't be your arm next time" he threatened. " Okay ,Okay," I said my hands fumbling to get the bobby pin out of my hair. I handed it to him knowing I wouldn't get another chance of escape material in a long time. 

As i was pulled down the hallway out of the corner of my eye I could see that Olivia, watching me struggle. In that instant I knew that it was her that I hated most and wouldn't mind killing if I had the chance.

After what felt like a long time of dragging we stopped at a door. " this is the door to outside" he started, his grin growing wider and wider. " and that is never going to be locked,"he continued knowing that him telling me is just taunting me. he let go of my arm slightly so that I could touch the brass door knob but pulled me away quickly after.

It felt like the house was never ending as Jacob showed me all the nooks and cranny's of the house. I don't understand why I needed to know where the 4th washroom is. If he was showing me hat he and his little group of friends were rich, I get it  I don't need to be shown all around the house. When he finally lead me to the room I was glad. All i wanted to do was curl up and sleep. 

But right before that could happen I heard a scream, and it was coming from Gia.


hey future readers i just wanna say that i am super existed about how you guys will like it, this is my first time writing like over 1000 word chapters so if it feels rushed just know that its the first draft and will need editing. 

Any ways hope you enjoyed <3


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