008 (Ivy)

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Darkness, it becomes your friend after a while, once you are surrounded by it you have no other place to go. Just like Ivy she's surrounded by Jacob's darkness and doesn't have a place to go other than his clutches. 

Me, you wouldn't think that I was the girl who is kidnapped, if you saw me from afar you would think I was a sweet innocent 16 year old girl, happy, with loving friends and family. But if you got up close all you would see is the past darkness of the months and that it has surrounded me.

All that's happened I can't remember a single happy moment, not even from before the nightmare that has consumed my life. People say that when you're in pain you should think about happy thoughts, I guess that doesn't apply to a kidnapping. All I've been doing for the past hour is trying to remember happiness that used to fill my life. But the truth is I guess I've never had it. The only real happiness I've had was at school and even then, me and my friends had got bullied and nobody liked us.

I flinched as Jacob opened the basement door bringing me back to reality and that we were never going to get out of this mess. 

"Hey darling," he said "Ready for some fun" his grin widening

"No," I said as he shut the door leaving us in pitch black darkness

I could feel the air move as he came up beside me with his classic knife in hand inching it closer to my neck.

"Wanna hear a secret?" Jacob said in an innocent tone

"Sure," I said not wanting to play along

"Since of your new developments, I can hurt you more, doesn't that said fun?"


"Well, sweetheart you're going to have to learn too," he said pushing the knife deeper into my throat I could feel the blood drip thicker and thicker down my shirt as the pain increased.

The blade slowly was pulled out getting as much pain as possible out of this experience.  It was like a routine he would first press it against my throat than he would slice it all around my body, but this time it was different. 

He quickly caressed the knife on my right cheek and then my forehead, Making me whine out in pain. By now I realized that I needed to save my energy and screaming would do me no good.

I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheek stinging the cut making me want to cry even more. Suddenly there was a loud bang in the ceiling which made me look up and split open the cut on my neck.  The pain was the only thing I could think about not the reason why there was a loud bang in the ceiling, or if Jacob was distracted. 

I brought myself back down to earth and bolted, even though I didn't want to I had to get out of the basement. I saw a quick glimpse of a male figure, which made me think of Jacob so I ran even faster. When I got to our room I rested my head against the door and closed my eyes.

There was a loud crash so I opened my eyes just in time to see my friends fall through the ceiling. Max rushed out followed by Jacob gaining speed. All I could do was stare at them in disbelief with questions running through my head. 

My friends had that same look of shock except pointed at Max.

"Go through the tunnel he said, escape he said" Gia's snarling voice caught Max off guard.

"I'm just going to get Ivy he said" Julia piped in with the same snarl as Gia.

My mouth fell open, he really wanted to save me. I quickly put it back up realizing that he wanted to save only me and not my friends.

"You jerk!" I yelled at him, no way was I going to escape without my friends.

"It's either that we all go are we stay," I say coolness growing in my voice

Jacob pushed passed Max and said " Actually you all are staying because you don't have a choice"

"Come on guys' I whisper to my friends pointing to our room, dripping blood all over the floor.

We rushed over and opened the door, quickly getting inside. 

"Okay focus on strength and then push all the furniture to the door, it will help with the pushing," I said commanding.

In about 5 minutes all the furniture was brought up against the door and we were covered in sweat. There was fighting outside resulting in loud banging and crashes. Then suddenly it stopped and there was a knock on the door. 

"Come on open the door," Max said.

"Ok!" Julia said, before we could stop her she moved all the furniture and had opened the door.

"I don't understand how Julia acted so stupid in this situation" I whispered to Gia.

"I know!" she whispered back.

Just like I had suspected, Jacob had a hold of Max with a sharpened piece of wood and they just walked in because of Julia's stupidity. 

Julia just stood there with her mouth open in shock that she had opened the door to a killer. 

'Now that everyone's here I would like to say" Jacob paused "Bye-bye Max" Jacob pinned Max against the wall and stabbed the sharp wood into his heart over and over, blood flying across the room.

Julia started to cry, she let our hope die literally. 

"Just so you know we're not forgiving you anytime soon!" Gia said storming out of the room with me close behind her. 

"And just like that little Julia's friends and hope have flown out the window," Jacob said in a fake soothing voice.

All Julia could do was look up at Jacob with her watery hazel eyes, letting her mind be fooled by the monster within Jacob by letting her hope and trust slide right into the devil's doorstep.

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