The Award For Worst Person Goes To

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"John... I think we need to break up"

Yep, I'm the world's shittiest person. You wanna know why?

Because I just broke up with john Laurens over the phone

And im not even at home doing it either. Im at work, sitting in my office.

"But... Alex-"

I cut him off. "I just don't feel that spark anymore. And you knew this would happen anyway. We're not soul mates"

Before he could start crying, I hung up. I wiped my face with my hand while teying to process what just happened.

Lets see... I broke up with the guy who I've been with for almost a year. We we're originally best friends but after this? John Will probably never talk to me again. I mean, hey, at least I didnt cheat on him.

I put my head on my desk and nearly fall asleep when suddenly my office door swings open.

Jefferson walks in and i wish he hadnt.

"Get your work yourself, asshole" he says. I glare at him.

"Just get out" i growl.

"Hm, what's wrong? Need me to call your-"

"Shut up... And leave. Im not in the mood"

He scoffs before knocking over the papers and leaving.

Man, i hate that guy. Jefferson could go to france for all i care. As long as i dont see him, ill be fine.

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