Charles Smith: Not Leaving You

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"No, you need me" you shook your head, you were not leaving him. There was no way you were going to leave him alone. How could you go up there without knowing what was happening to him? 

"Y/N, I'll be fine" he assured you, raising his hand further to caress your cheek affectionately and reassuringly.

"If I got shot, would you leave me?" you asked him, already knowing the answer. Charles paused before silently shaking his head. He knew that there would be nothing that could keep him away from you if you had been put in danger. "That's what I thought. I'm not leaving you Charles. John and Sadie will be alright, I need to make sure that you get out of here alive as well" you smiled softly, trying to ignore that his blood was now staining your hands. 

"We should wait for them or make our way up there, we can't just leave without telling them where we are going" Charles told you but you were already having the same thought.

"I know, but we need to slow the bleeding. The shot isn't fatal but you could still lose blood" you nodded, not letting him do anything before you have tended to his wound in some way. 

"Alright, we've got to find something to wrap around it" he advised and you glanced around, trying to remember if you had brought anything along that could help. Your mind was only beginning to calm down and think logically instead of being consumed by frantic concern.

"C'mere" you moved your hands away from his shoulder when you got an idea. You grabbed your bandanna from around your neck and grabbed some bandages from your satchel. You had a few bandages but not enough to have much of an effect on the blood coming from the gun shot wound.

You helped Charles pull his arm out of his coat and then his shirt. You placed the folded bandanna against the wound before wrapping the bandages around his shoulder to hold it in place. You then helped him pull his shirt and coat back on, protecting him from the cold.

"We will get you some better help when we get out of here" you assured him as you sat back on your calves. 

"Come on, we have to help them" Charles grunted as he attempted to push himself off of the rock and stand up. You placed your hand on his unwounded shoulder and his chest as you gently pushed him back down to sit against  the rock.

"Charles, just sit down for a minute. We will follow after them but right now you need to just relax and get some strength back. You've been shot, take a damn break" you sighed, shaking your head at him. Charles smiled, laughing quietly and fondly of how you were trying to take care of him. 

"Fine, but we move soon" he nodded, silently agreeing that he should probably just sit down for a moment. 

"Sure" you nodded as you sighed and sat down beside him, leaning back against the rock as well. "Here" you mumbled as you pulled out you flask of water, holding it out to him.

"Thank you" Charles smiled gratefully as he took the flask from you and and took a sip from it.

"Okay, say we get out of here alive and all of this comes to an end...what do you want to do? Where do you want to go?" you asked. Once this was over you would all have to move on and you honestly didn't know what you were going to do, you just hoped it would be with Charles. 

"Honestly?" he asked, turning his head to face you. 

"Of course" you chuckled, taking his hand and lacing your fingers through his. He happily accepted the gesture and held your hand gently.  

"Had this whole idea of heading to Canada, wanted to start a life there...raise a family there" he admitted, telling you his ideal plan for the future. You smiled to yourself. never thought about that but it sounded nice. 

"I like that" you smiled, leaning your head back and resting it against the rock.

"Come with me" Charles suggested rather suddenly. You lifted your head from the rock and looked at him with a soft expression. "Did you really think that I thought about have a life and a family with somebody that wasn't you?" he asked, like there was no way he could ever have had this dream if you weren't there.

"You don't even have to ask, of course I'll go with you" you smiled, leaning forward to press you lips gently against his. 

Charles smiled against your lips and he returned the gentle kiss, his fingers combing through your hair as he brushed it out of your face. You pulled away from him and sat beside him again, a smile on both of your faces. 

"I love you" you whispered as you smiled up at him.

"I love you too" Charles smiled back as he gently squeezed your hand. You knew that if anyone could come back from a gun shot wound, it was Charles.

Your fingers were still intertwined with his as you both sat against the rock behind you. You were excited for your foreseeable future with Charles but knew that you both had to make it through this first. You turned and saw Charles smiling at you. In that moment, you just knew that everything was going to work out. It wasn't going to go flawlessly but you strongly felt that you were all going to get out of this alive. Then you and Charles could start your life together. 


Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang