Epilogue: For You

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I was stuck with six of my best friends. They were rushing me around like there was no tomorrow. Plus I was being bossed around, but I was finally able to relax a little. Kim came with hair-cutting scissors. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked. I nodded, "I promised him that I would one day." She looked at me for a while, and nodded. "As long as it's something you want, and that you're okay with. Just relax, and I'll take care of it," she said. I closed my eyes, and patiently waited. But in the end, I fell asleep for twenty minutes. Hailey woke me up. I opened my eyes to see bangs hanging down. Then I was put into more work. "Oh  come on guys, let me take a break," I whined. "What do you mean take a break? You want to take a break when you're preparing for your wedding day?" Juliee asked. I nodded, "I heard some brides get a break." "We're not going to give you another break. You know we already did, and you fell asleep!" June reminded. "That was all your fault, you guys didn't wake me up," I defended myself. Hailey approached me, and placed a hand on my shoulder. She gave me a not so happy look. "Go into the dressing room, and put your dress on. We have to do your hair, makeup, and touch it up. Then we have to deal with the other stuff. Get your a** moving," she said. That's probably the longest, yet threatening, line she has ever said to me. "Scary lady," I thought. That's when I quickly hurried into the dressing room, and struggled to put on my dress. Taylor and Yuu ended up needing to come in to help me. I was sure Hailey would burst in at any moment, and give me a piece of her mind. But luckily, she didn't, because she knew I was trying my hardest. "Geez, did you gain weight before today? This dress fit you last time!" Yuu said. "Hey..." I said. "Hey what, you got something to confess?" Taylor asked. "Maybe I tried eating a whole cake two days ago, but I thought I'll burn it off!" I answered. "As if, you're a gamer who does nothing but sits in her chair," Taylor said. "You have a big mouth for the youngest one," I replied. "I don't even know how Seokjin deals with you, or even why he wants to deal with you in the first place," Yuu said in disbelief. After I got into my dress, I was forced to sit down. They started doing my hair, then they did my makeup.

~After a while~

I felt like I was having a panic attack. At the moment, I was waiting for my mom. When she stepped in, she seemed surprised by my appearance. "You look gorgeous, sweetie," she smiled. "Do you remember how you told me I wouldn't get a boyfriend or get married? Well, hah! I proved you wrong!" I was only joking though. A few months ago she explained to me that she was happy for me, she was happy I found a boyfriend. "That's right, you proved me wrong," she smiled. Then she went over to a table. She grabbed the veil, and looked at it. "I feel like something's missing," she analyzed it. Then she snapped her fingers. I watched as she pulled a tiny crown out of her pocket. She clipped it onto the veil. "Okay, now it's perfect," she went over to me with a smile. I bowed my head, and she started putting it on. After a while, I was in the green to lift my head. My mom had tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you," she hugged me. Then I was waiting for my dad. When he arrived, we linked arms. Then I was walking down that aisle, I thought was just a fantasy. There ahead, was my prince. It really felt like a story that would never come true. When we were facing each other, we couldn't help but giggle. "It looks like you got bangs," he pointed out. "You wanted them, didn't you? I asked Kim to cut them for me," I said. "I really like it. Like I said, you're still kicking it. You look really pretty," he smiled. "You look like a prince that came out of a fictional story," I said. "I'm told that everyday," he pretended to push back his hair. We giggled at that. The entire ceremony was a mess, but who could care less? Then, we were greeting guest in a matter of seconds. We were greeting them as a married couple. Then I told Seokjin I needed the bathroom, and ran off. Kim was patiently waiting for me. "Did you practice last night?" she asked. I nodded, "I practiced everyday just for today." She smiled, and grabbed the microphone. "Let's crash your wedding," it was just a joke. Kim ended the song, leaving everyone confused. She looked over at me, and I nodded. I breathed in and out. Soon the song "Change Your Mind" by Tori Kelly, was playing. I started singing it, and it immediately caught Seokjin's attention. He smiled when he saw me approaching him. I felt nervous but Kim was in the background, helping me. When Seokjin said he wanted me to sing again, I considered it when we were engaged. But since I didn't want anyone to become deaf, I sacrificed my friend's ears. Who knew Kim was good at singing. She's too good, we need to kill her- joking. When I was done, the entire place was clapping. "You were so beautiful," Seokjin smiled. Then he pulled me into an embrace, he didn't stop with all his compliments. "This was all for you after all," I thought.

~After a while~

Then it was the end of the wedding. "You guys ready?" I asked. I was about ready to throw my bouquet of flowers. "Just do it already! You asked us that twenty times already!" Momo shouted. I turned to her, and flipped her off. Then I went back to my position. Without another question, I tossed it from behind. I turned to see that Kim caught it. "Looks like you're getting married!" I laughed at her. "We got married before the both of you! How's that even possible? You've been dating longer than us!" Seokjin joined in with the teasing. Then he picked me up bridal style. "You've seen all the old videos, right?" he asked, and I nodded. "Then I suppose you know about the newlywed thing?" he asked. I thought back, and immediately knew what he was talking about. "Seems like you figured out. I can't wait to serve you breakfast in bed tomorrow morning. Maybe tonight, you can also spill some more secrets," he suggested. I blushed a deep red, "I hate you." "Awe, I love you too," he smiled.

"I love you more."

Here's the official ending!
Hey, thanks for being here with me!
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I hope to see you in the near future!
I hoped you enjoyed!

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