The Lie

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~Your mom's P.O.V.~

The room was completely cleared out, and dusty. It was like an ancient place, no one has touched this room in a long time ever since she left- ever since I kicked her out. "What happened?" my uncle turned to me. I stared at the room, unable to even look at him in the eyes. "What should I tell him? How do I explain to him that Y/N no longer lives here?" I thought. I could lie and tell him that she moved to another place, but he knows that our family members don't allow that. My uncle started to walk into the room after I didn't reply. I watched as he used his fingers to dust off a portion of the dresser. "Did... she do something?" he asked. I stood there, unsure on what to say. "Why is her room empty?" he was pushing for answers. I couldn't answer, none of this was supposed to be revealed. I don't have the dignity to tell my family about my oldest daughter. They all love her, and she loves them. It would be wrong if I told any of them. They'll start to dislike her, and not want to talk to her. Then she'll be alone, without love from her family members. Just then, my husband walked pass the room, but he returned. "What's going on?" he asked as he saw the tense aura. "Why is this room empty?" my uncle asked. My husband looked around, "It's been empty for a long time now." I nudged him in the side. "What are you doing?" I quietly asked him. "I got this under control," he replied. His eyes were locked on my uncle. "What do you mean? Clearly you don't!" I quickly said. "You want her to still be accepted in this family, right?" he asked. "Obviously, I've been trying to think of some excuse explaining why this room is cleared out," I replied. "Trust me," he said, softly. I looked at my husband, and finally stayed quiet.

"It has? How come?" my uncle asked, curiously. "Well you see, Y/N's been living with us ever since she was little. But since she's older now, she wanted to see how it felt to live all alone. You know how she is, she loves to experiment," my husband explained. My uncle nodded, "It makes sense. She would normally do it as a child." "Well this is only an experiment for her. She'll be back in a week," my husband assured. "It's nice to know Y/N will put in the effort to try something new," my uncle said. "But why is this room so dusty, have you not been taking care of it?" he asked. "Well, Y/N wanted it to be dusty so she can come back and dust it herself. She really doesn't like us doing all the work," I was finally able to think straight. All that pressure when my uncle found the empty room was gone. "That makes sense as well. She loves doing things all by herself, she was like that as a child," my uncle seemed very convinced. "Is Momo the same?" he suddenly asked. I looked over to my husband, and he did the same. "Yeah, she's the same. Just a little less motivated than Y/N," I replied, softly. My uncle let out a laugh. "Sometimes we can't beat the oldest one," he said. I nodded, "I don't think she'll ever beat Y/N." I didn't want to look down on my youngest daughter. But each time I tried to give her an opportunity to redeem herself, she always made me disappointed. I was still hoping that one day she'll be the tiniest bit like Y/N. "So where is she living at the moment? I would love to pay her one more visit before I leave," my uncle asked. "Ah, I have the address written down on a piece of paper. Let me get it, and I'll tell you," my husband said. I watched as he left the room.

~Your P.O.V.~

I was currently in my recording room, eating chips and editing my videos. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I stared at my phone for a couple of seconds before realizing that it wasn't an unknown number. My dad was calling me, it was unusual since my mom never allowed him to call me. After a few rings, I finally picked up my phone. I put my phone to my right ear, and used my shoulder to support it as I continued to edit my videos. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey kiddo, what's your address?" my dad asked nonchalantly, yet out of the blue. "Why?" I questioned. "Just give me the address, and I'll explain everything once I have your address written down," he said. I was confused but gave him my address anyways. "Listen closely," he said after he was done writing it down. "Your great-uncle is going to visit you," my dad finally explained. I quickly stopped whatever I was doing, and grabbed my phone with my left hand before pressing it to my left ear.

"He's what?" I asked, sort of freaking out. What was I supposed to tell him? "Oh well, I became a gamer and my mom wasn't quite fond of it, so she decided to kick me out. Now I live in this apartment because that's what I was able afford with my gaming channel," no, I couldn't. "Now I sure you're freaking out," my dad said. Damn right, I was freaking out. "But here's the thing, I lied to him," he continued. "So this is what you need to know at the moment to convince him. You're currently doing an experiment where you'll be living in an apartment. So then you can know what the struggles are, when you're not fully supported by your family, and the struggles people have when they're away from their parent's home. Also, you only have a week left of this experiment to return to this house. That's all you need to know," my dad informed me of his little lie. "So in short, I continue this lie until he feels satisfied and convinced that I was kicked out; so he doesn't find out, and tell the other family members," I summarized. "You got it," my dad sounded proud that I understood his intentions. "If he ask anything else that isn't related to the information that I told you, then I trust that you'll make something that is reasonable," he said, "Be careful with what you say around him."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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