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~A week later~

"You'll need to dress appropriately, it's a family dinner," Seokjin's attention was immediately drawn to the dresses, once we entered the mall. "It's a shame that we're doing last minute shopping, the dinner is tonight..." his hand trailed on the dresses. I nodded in agreement. "It's not our fault. We're both super busy after all, so it makes sense that we would do some last minute shopping," I paused. "It just confuses me why this week was more busy than the others... maybe luck just isn't on my side this week. Maybe it's a clear sign that I shouldn't go to this dinner after all," he laughed at my words. "Nonsense, it's just how things work. Sometimes we aren't as busy, and other times we're beyond busy. There's no conspiracy theory to it," he stopped in his tracks. His hands immediately reached out to a dress. Then he spun around to me, the dress glistened under the light. "What about this?" he asked. I looked at the dress, my face grew with nothing but disgust. "No, the dress is full with nothing but glitter!" he stared at me in disbelief. "Hey, doesn't your mom want you to be feminine or something? This could probably get her to like you again," he insisted with the dress. "As if a dress will immediately make my mom turn around and love me again, that's impossible Seokjin. I don't need to wear a glittery dress, I just want a plain dress that'll fulfill my dad's request to dress feminine," I said. He stared at me for a while before putting the dress back where he found it. "Alright, a plain dress that will show some feminine feature... and maybe even your figure," he walked off. I stared at him in disbelief, "Hey, I don't like showing off my figure! You know that!" He didn't respond. Instead, he continued looking at the dresses, and ignored my shouting.

~Almost time for the family dinner~

In the end, Seokjin had got me a fitted dress. The dress showed every curve on my body, and it made me uncomfortable. I continuously stared at myself in the mirror. My insecurities got the best of me. I looked at my side, then the back, and spun around to look at the front. "This is torture," I thought. I stared at the dress, that was too tight on my figure. "After this... I'm throwing this dress out," I mumbled to myself. Seokjin came out from the bathroom, looking quite dashing in his suit. "Of course he looks handsome, he's normally handsome," I looked at myself once more. This dress brought nothing but my insecurities back, wearing oversized clothes was my only escape from all my insecurities. "Whoa, princess? Y-You look amazing!" Seokjin said, as he looked at me. "Are you trying to make me feel better about myself?" I asked, as I turned to look at him. He immediately shook his head, "I'm being honest here! You look beautiful- I mean, you're already beautiful... but this is just... wow," he continued to stare at me with amazement. "I think you should go back to being feminine, it suits you well. You show off so much charm if you dress like this on a daily-" I gave an uncomfortable face.

Seokjin cleared his throat. "But, even if you look amazing in that dress... I prefer when you wear your oversized clothes. I don't mind either one, but I think the way you normally dress makes me more attracted to you. I guess since this the first time I get to see you in a dress, I was put under a spell, and I completely forgot who I fell for," he smiled. I giggled at his words, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks. "Thank you, Seokjin," I smiled at him, and he nodded. "Shall we get going, princess?" Seokjin extended his hand out towards me, and I took it. Then we were heading to the family dinner. I moved uncomfortably in the car, as I started to regret agreeing to go to this dinner. Seokjin noticed my uncomfortableness, and started to comfort me. "You'll be fine, just make sure you make a good impress on them. Just pretend that you've been the way your family wants for a long time. I'm sure you won't have a problem with that," he looked over to me. When it seemed that I wouldn't calm down, he moved his hand slowly to mines. Like that, my hand was resting on the gear shift and his hand was pressed over mines.

~At the family dinner~

~Your mom's P.O.V.~

"It's so good to see you again," I hugged my mom. "Princess, come greet your grandmother," I motioned Momo over. "Not now, mom! I'm trying to take selfies with my boyfriend!" Momo shouted back. I looked over to my mom, "I'm sorry, I'm sure she'll greet you when she's done." "I highly doubt she ever will be finished..." I thought, annoyed. My smile continued to stay on my face. "Ah, uncle!" I walked over to my uncle, and hugged him. "My, you've grown so much! How have you been?" he asked. "It's been okay, uncle. My life is as it is," I said. He looked over my shoulder. "Ah, Momo. She's grown up so much, since the last time I saw her. It's amazing how beautiful she looks, and she has a boyfriend!" he laughed. His attention went back to me, "Where's your oldest daughter? Is she coming?" I smiled faintly. "Ah, she's been busy lately so I don't think she'll be able to make it," I waved away his worries. "Ah, really? It's a shame, I haven't seen her in ages!" he smiled, as he thought back. "I haven't either..." I thought. "How has she been doing?" he looked at me. "She's been doing okay..." I fell silent. I heard the door open, and turned to greet the person who entered. That's when I paused.

~A while ago~

~Your P.O.V.~

I stared at the restaurant my dad informed me to go to. It was already loud inside, the talking and laughter could be heard from outside. "It seems we're a bit late," Seokjin said, before looking over at me. "Come on, princess. We can't just stand out here forever," he grabbed my hand. But I was quick to stop him, "I want to go home... this was a bad idea." He looked at me, "I don't look this good for no reason." I could tell that he wanted to cheer me up, but I didn't want to go in. "Awe, come on Y/N, we're already here. It wouldn't make sense to leave now," he tightened his grip. "If anything happens, know that I'm here for you," he gave a warm smile. I looked at him, and then at the restaurant, where the noise only got louder. "Alright..." I nodded, and we both entered. When we did, my mom turned to greet us. Her smiled slowly faded, as she looked at me in shock.



I hoped you enjoyed!

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