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~Two days later~

I patiently waited for my friends to knock on my door. My patience ran thin. I started to play on my phone as I waited. "They said they were going to be here in a few seconds," I mumbled, as my attention was glued to my phone screen. After a while, I heard the door open. I paused my game before looking to see who entered. "Geez, what took you so long?" I asked as I stood up. At the door, stood Hailey. "The others were busy trying to look presentable for BTS," she explained. I rolled my eyes. "Expected," I said, "Anyways, everyone is waiting for you to come," she informed. With that being said, I quickly grabbed my backpack and followed behind Hailey. As I entered the car, all I could hear was shouting. They were singing to BTS. Without a doubt, I went on my phone to finish my video games as five grown females shouted their lungs out, nearly making me deaf. "Come on, Y/N! Sing with us!" Taylor shouted. I quickly waved my hand, showing that I didn't want to lose my voice. Without a problem, I was able to continue my gaming.


This was even worse, an audience of fans shouting their lungs out. All I could do was stand in the audience, fearing for my hearing. After a while, the seven males walked out and waved to their fans, making their fans scream even longer. "Please spare me," I thought. At any moment, all the shouting could burst a eardrum. Then the music started playing, causing more screams and shouting. This reminded me of the time I had to save BTS from the crowd of females in the arcade at the mall, but worst. It was more louder. The fans pushed me from behind, as they made an attempt to get closer to BTS. I stood there, staring up at the ceiling; I was hoping everything will quickly end. But then, a glisten of light quickly caught my attention. I was quick to look at the stage, where Seokjin was happily making his way to me. "You're boyfriend is coming this way!" my friends nudged me side to side, causing me to stumble a little forward. Since we're in the front row, I stumbled right into a metal railing. "Well, s***," I thought as a sudden pain roamed throughout my body. "Are you okay?" I heard Seokjin ask me. I looked up to see Seokjin concerned about me, making fans look in my direction. I slowly nodded before backing away from the railing. He smiled before he started walking off in the opposite direction. "Geez, you really like getting attention," I rolled my eyes, as I approached my friends. They laughed. "How cute, he cares for you!" they happily said in unison.

~End of concert~

"Wait, are you serious? We get to hang out with BTS?" Taylor asked as she followed behind me with excitement. "Of course. I mean, Kim gets to hang out with them. So why don't you guys? I already asked Seokjin if you guys could, and he said his members are okay with it," I answered. I lead my five, extremely hyped up, friends through the halls. When we approached the room, I knocked on the door. Then it swung open, revealing Kim. "Welcome," she said as she held the door open for us. As everyone entered, they immediately started squealing at the seven boys, who were posing. Hailey looked liked she was about to faint. "This is amazing!" June shouted as she looked at each one of them, like it was a dream. "C-Can we shake your hands, and get your autographs?" Yuu asked. BTS quickly approved. As my friends went down the row, shaking the seven members hands, they were freaking out. Afterwards, we sat down and started talking. "Do you guys want to get something to eat?" Hoseok asked. "Whoa, we get to eat with our favorite boy band?" Juliee asked, excited. The members of BTS laughed. "If you want to," Yoongi replied. My friends looked over to me, like they were waiting for my approval. But in return, I simply shrugged. "I'm not your mom. After all, he's asking you," I said. "We'll love to eat with you!" Hailey quickly said, before covering her mouth. "Awe, she's excited," Kim said in awe. "Okay, then let's get going then?" Namjoon asked as he stood up. BTS walked ahead, while the seven of us walked behind. "I'm so jealous of you guys. You're both dating idols, and they're so caring for you," June said in a jealous tone. "Same, I wish I could date an idol!" Yuu shouted. I smiled, "Maybe if you guys get closer to them, one of the members will fall for you guys." "No way! We need to keep our distance as fans. Even so, it'll be nice to have a conversation with them," Taylor said. I smiled before looking over at Kim. "Maybe we should pair you guys with a member, and see if you guys hit it off," Kim suggested, clearly reading my message through a glance. "Even if we did, they might not like that in that sense. They might not be interested," Juliee said, making me laugh. "But~ Namjoon liked Kim, and Seokjin liked me," I pointed out. "There's always a possibility in everything. We just need to find the perfect match," Kim said. "I guess we can give it a try. But if they feel uncomfortable, we can back off," Hailey replied.

~At the restaurant~

"What pairs?" Jimin asked, confused. "Yeah, it's a good method to learn more about one another," Kim said. "So... do you want us to rotate during this whole ordeal?" Jungkook asked. "No, not at all. When you guys go back home, you can describe the person you were paired with to the others," I explained. "It'll make it easier for all of us to get to know each better," Namjoon, technically, repeated Kim's words. The members nodded, it didn't seem like they were against the idea. Perhaps it was because Kim and I knew these fans, so they trusted that they won't be crazy. "Ok so... Hailey with Jungkook, Taylor with Taehyung, Yuu with Jimin, June with Hoseok, and Juliee with Yoongi," I instructed. They nodded, "Kim with food, and me with video games," I said. "Hey, you're my girlfriend!" Seokjin quickly, making replied everyone laugh.

I hoped you enjoyed!

Unordinary Gamer Girl (Seokjin x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang