First Impression

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Seokjin looked in the direction that his name was called. I also looked over to see, but I already knew who it was. For once, Momo had her attention elsewhere. "Babe, do you know him?" Momo's boyfriend asked. He seemed intimidated by Seokjin. Maybe because of his looks or something. "Of course I do! It's a member from my favorite band! Babe, you should know what I'm talking about," she looked like she was going to faint. Her boyfriend glared at Seokjin, like he was going to kill him or do something bad. "That's my sister," I mumble to Seokjin. He nodded, "I can tell." "Why are you here? Did you step into the wrong place?" Momo looked like she was ready to be Seokjin's guide. "He's my boyfriend," I said. She gave a shocked face. "You're joking, you don't even know him. Plus, there's no way someone, like Seokjin, would date you. You're not good enough for him," she laughed. She started making her way to Seokjin. "Don't mind my silly sister, she just wished she had an attractive boyfriend," she was so close to Seokjin, but her boyfriend stopped her. "Why are you approaching him like that?" her boyfriend seemed angry. "Babe!" she whined, "This is a moment that might not happen again!" "He's actually my boyfriend," I said. "Don't be ridiculous! You don't know anything about him!" she shouted in anger. I laughed, "Kim Seokjin, a kpop idol that is apart of BTS. He's also a gamer. He enjoys cooking, loves Mario-" Momo interrupted me. "You search that all up! He's just lost!" she didn't want to believe me. "Why would he date someone like you? I would be his ideal type, not you!" she lashed out. My aunt immediately stopped her. "Stop it, don't get so mad. You already have a wonderful boyfriend. Just accept that your sister has a boyfriend," my aunt said. "And an attractive one as well," the females nearly melted as their attention drew back to Seokjin.

"You didn't give quite a good impression," Seokjin smiled. "You're a fan of my band, right?" he asked. Momo immediately nodded, "I've been a fan ever since I saw you guys!" "Really, so why would you say that your sister isn't my type?" Seokjin asked. "I mean... she definitely doesn't deserve someone like you. Plus, she doesn't fit your ideal type whatsoever," Momo answered. "And you do?" Seokjin asked. I stared at him, he was being slightly harsh to my sister. "W-Well..." Momo lowered her head. "I would love to get along with you, but I'm afraid that you're not showing me a welcoming side," Seokjin said. "You may think one thing about me, but I know myself more," he added. She froze, and I looked over at her with concern. "I'm sorry. It's just... I never thought this would happen, meeting and seeing you. I was rash because I felt like I needed to defend you," she said. She looked up, and gave a faint smile. The room got dead quiet. Seokjin let out a sigh. "That's fine, but please think before you say something. I feel like you hurt my girlfriend's feelings," he said. She looked over at me. "Right... I'm sorry, Y/N," yet she seemed mad when she said it. Seokjin looked at Momo, and then at me. "Now, I think we all started off on the wrong foot. Let's restart, shall we?" he held out his hand to Momo's boyfriend. "My name is Seokjin. I'm Y/N's boyfriend," Seokjin said. Momo's boyfriend stared at his hand. Momo was quick to nudge him. He took ahold of Seokjin's hand. "Hi, I'm Kai. I'm Momo's boyfriend," the entire time, Kai has been eying Seokjin. "It's nice to meet you, Kai. I see you have your eyes on me, but my eyes are on someone else," Seokjin smiled. "So much for being a gentleman," I thought, while laughing (a little) to myself. Kai drew his hand away. "Hi, I'm Momo! I'm a huge fan of your band, and you!" Momo almost pounced on Seokjin. "Momo, it's 'you and your band' not the opposite way around," I rolled my eyes. "I don't know how you deal with her, but she's lucky to be dating you," her eyes darted to you.

"Because I'm a princess that fell upon his sight," I joked. Momo stared at me in disbelief. After the introduction, Momo and Kai walked off. "Alright, let's go to my parents now," I grabbed Seokjin's hand. When I approached my parents, they smiled. Even my mom did. "That's odd," I thought. "Seokjin, these are my parents," I introduced. "Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Seokjin," I watched them shake hands. "When did you get a boyfriend?" my mom asked. "Three months ago," I answered. "Bet you're shocked, huh? You said that I couldn't have a boyfriend, but here I am," I thought. "I'm happy for you," she smiled at me. I stared at her in shock, this was the first time, in ages, that she smiled at me. "You sure she hates you? She's smiling right at you," Seokjin leaned in and whispered. "I'm sure she's just pretending to have a good first impression. But it's quite shocking for me to see her smile, especially at me," I responded. Seokjin out a laugh. "It's seems that most of the females here are practically drooling over you. If I was a female, I would too," my dad laughed. "A attracted male can do so much," my mom laughed with him. I awkwardly stood there, it felt like nothing happened. But, those words wouldn't stop running through my mind. "What was more shocking is the fact Momo looked up from her phone for him," I joked along. My parents looked at me. The three of us broke into laughter, and Seokjin watched. My mom stopped, and cleared her throat. "It's nice that you decided to show up today, and with your boyfriend," she made it seem like it was a normal thing to be interacting with me. "Did you greet your grandmother?" my dad asked. "Of course, why wouldn't I? I'm supposed to be respectful to my elders, and politely greet them. Isn't that what I was taught?" I saw a smile appear on my mom's face again. She noticed me staring at her, and quickly stopped smiling. "Well, it's nice to meet you Seokjin. I hope you'll treat my daughter well," she smiled at Seokjin. He nodded, "Of course." Seokjin and I started walking off. "Are you sure she hates you?" he asked. "She smiled at you more than once," he pointed out. "I'm sure of it," I paused, "But nevertheless, let's enjoy this party." I latched onto Seokjin's arm.

"I'll introduce you to my other family members. I'm sure you'll like most of them, not all though."

I hope you enjoyed!

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