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XutieMiako: Active
Did you guys miss me? No? Yeah, I wouldn't miss me either.
Anyways quickly note before this chapter starts. From now on, I will be updating once every two weeks. Hear me out though! School is now back, so I want to focus on my studies as much as possible (although I shouldn't stress as much). Please be patient with me as I go through this school year. ❤️

Also thank you all for your patience! But, I am finally back!

Taylor and I looked around the corner. "What are you guys doing? We aren't stealing anything," Yuu was completely confused. "Shush," I replied while Taylor and I started tip toeing. "These kids," Juliee said. "Okay guys I think we're here," I said looking around. I stared at the soon to be sunset. "The sun is about to fall asleep!" Taylor shouted excited to see the sunset. "You guys didn't have to sneak around for this," June said laughing a little. "It was fun," Taylor and I said in unison. I turned to my friends seeing as half of them sat down to watch the sun.

~After awhile~

I watched as the sun slowly made it's way to the horizon, "It's pretty," I mumbled. "Right?" Taylor asked while her attention continued to be glued to the sky.


"Do you see it?" my mom asked while pointing up at the sky, a smile happily plastered on her face. "I see it! I see it!" I watched as the sun slowly disappeared. "It's called a sunset," my mom said smiling. I turned to my mom with a bright smile, "It's pretty!" I shouted. My mom turned her attention to me, "You're more pretty. Promise me that you'll stay pretty." I nodded wanting to be as pretty as the sky one day.

"Get out of my life!" my mom shouted angrily. "You're ugly! So ugly!" my mom's words pierce me. "What's wrong with these?!" I asked holding up my video games. "I said to not be boyish! Nothing related to a boy! You're so ugly! Don't appear in my face anymore!" my mom stomped out of my room. I felt as tears formed in my eyes, "Damn it!" I shouted as I placed my video games gently onto my desk. I got onto my bed and started punching it. "Ugly, ugly, ugly," kept repeating in my head.


"Hey are you okay?" Taylor asked while placing a hand on my shoulder, I nodded. "Yeah, I was just thinking back," I replied and Taylor nodded. Soon the sunset was done, "Let's head home?" I asked making my friends nod their head. Kim yawned, "Hey there's chicks here," a male voice said. I focused my attention on about three males approaching my group of friends and I. "Oh they're stunning!" one guy howls. I watched as Kim, Yuu, Juliee, and June stand up at their appearance. "Hey baby, wanna hang out with me?" a guy asked approaching Hailey. Hailey immediately shook her head, as the guy was close to Hailey, Kim stood in the way. "How about you guys leave us alone?" Kim asked clearly annoyed. I walked over to Kim's side, "Yeah leave". "What if we don't? What will you do?" one guy asks, "Scream?" I replied jokingly. The guys stared at me with confusion, "Listen I don't have time for this," I said. One of the males approached me, getting really close to me. I backed my head away, many chins forming as I made a weird expression. The male wouldn't get out of my face so I spitted on his face. I could see as Kim face palmed at my action. "You b****!" the guy shouted, "Sorry you were in my face. I'm actually not sorry, but you know," I replied shrugging. The guy's face was twisted with anger, "Let's go," the guy said as he walked away. Soon the other guys followed behind, "I'm glad that it didn't break into a fight," Taylor said clearly scared that there could have been a fight.


I plopped onto my couch tired. Suddenly my phone started going off, I lazily grabbed my phone before answering it. "Hello?" I answered unclearly. "Y/N? Where were you? I knocked on the door like ten times and you didn't answer," Momo's voice said. I groaned, "I was hanging out with my friends. I'm home now," I informed. "She said she's home now," Momo said clearly talking to her boyfriend. "Okay, I'll be there in five minutes," Momo informed before ending the call. As I was about to set my phone down, a notification popped up on my screen. I sighed as I looked to see what the notification was. It was from Seokjin, I adjusted my position on the couch before texting him back.

What is the up my dude?
Yo my dude, how it is?
Is this Y/N...?
Oh you're talking about the owner of this phone?
I just raped her, she's passed out.
I'm calling the cops!
No wait don't!
I didn't get raped!
I was joking.
Haha, I totally knew that...
Don't lie.
Anyways what's up? Why'd you text?
I was just bored.
I wanted to know if you'll like to take a walk with me.
I would love to, but my little sister will probably trash my apartment if I left her alone.
Do you not trust your younger sister?
Of course not!
Okay... Well I have to go, I need to get fresh air.
Okay! Don't get raped or kidnapped or attacked... Or you know any bad situation.
Haha, okay I'll make sure to stay safe.
Bye, I'll talk to you later.
Yup, talk to you later.

I let out a yawn, my eyelids became heavy. "I'm tired," I mumbled. My eyes slowly closed and open. But the sound of the doorbell was good enough to wake me up. I lazily got up before heading to the door. As I approached the door I looked out the hole and saw Momo. I slowly opened the door, "Welcome to hell," I said as Momo walked in. "What's wrong with you?" Momo asked adjusting her purse. "I'm tired," I replied feeling weak and tired. "Go to sleep," Momo said, "Oh yeah!". I watched as Momo rummaged through the plastic bag she was holding. "Here's a new picture frame to replaced the old one I broke," Momo handed it to me. I took it and slowly made my way to place the picture into the frame. As I made it to the kitchen, I grabbed the picture off the counter. Slowly and carefully, I placed the photo into the picture frame. When the picture was secured in the frame, I displayed it. I stared at the picture, it was a picture of my family and I, when I was younger. With a loud sigh I headed to my room to sleep. I laid on my bed and soon I was asleep.

I hoped you enjoyed!

Unordinary Gamer Girl (Seokjin x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora