Chapter Seven: Friend In Need.

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Never in my life had I felt so shitty.

I mean... You'd think pregnancy is supposed to be a magical time where you affectionately rub your belly and feel all warm and fuzzy.

Instead I feel like I haven't slept in days, my stomach seems to be rejecting everything I put into it and I cried when I dropped the toiletpaper. I cursed the universe for playing such a sick joke on me. Wishing all of this could just go away.

It could though.

I cringe when that thought crosses my mind. I clutch the flyer I got from the hospital in my hand as my back pressed against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall. I had just finished sticking my head down the toilet.

It's 2am... A few hours had passed since I left the hospital, Hein dropped me off and made sure I was okay. I could tell he had no idea how to handle the situation and he left so I could 'rest'. Yeah like that's going to happen.

When we left the hospital Dante was nowhere to be seen, I don't know whether what I felt was relief or disappointment but something in me stirred. This complete stranger had left me alone at the worst possible time and the little girl in me hoped he would be waiting outside, demanding I tell him what's wrong.

But he couldn't know. Never.

Why did I suddenly feel so deeply emotional about everything? Like I hadn't been pregnant for 8 weeks already. The symptoms just hit me a few days ago.

I sighed, I don't know him. It's just the hormones. I find myself thinking back to that night, in the club, dancing with Beth. Beth. My heart sinks. If I had known that that would be the last time I see her I would have hugged her, I would have told her how much I owe her for helping me on my feet, I'd have pushed the golden locks from her face and tell her how strong she is, god she's... Was.. so strong. Until the very end.

Determination settled in my gut, I am going to avenge her, I swear this to you Beth.

And then later that night, in this very apartment, with a man I didn't know, and still don't. Something about the way he carries himself, his demeanor, his attitude is off. Like he's pretending to be someone he's not. That didn't matter that night, it was all just lust. But when he stuck around the next morning... That makes me suspicious.

Lust doesn't ask questions, it demands what it demands. But during the daylight it is easily disregarded. He should have left before I woke up, anyone else wouod have... If this were his apartment and not mine I would have left. Without a second thought.

Especially for a guy like him. He is not the kind of guy who sticks around for pancakes. But he had never said a bad word to me and I don't buy it.

Frantic knocking brought me back to reality.

This 'guests at a ungodly hour' thing is starting to piss me off.

I put the pamphlet of the abortion clinic next to the bottle of pre-natal vitamins that the hospital gave me 'just in case' and exited the bathroom to answer the door.

The knocking continues.

"Alright alright, jesus." I ripped the door open. "What?!" I demanded.

"Heyyy" a very drunk looking Dante was leaning clumsily against the doorframe, trying to put on his best smoldering face.

My expression remains flat.

He takes a swig of whatever he was drinking before wiping his mouth with his sleeve, "may I enter?" he motions toward the inside of the apartment.

"You're drunk." I deadpanned.

"That's what she said." he wiggled his eyebrows.

My annoyance was growing, "Why are you here? And I'm beginning to get tired of asking that, you keep showing up here with nothing to say and-"

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