🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀

Start from the beginning

Once they had sat down Peter had scanned the room. Flash had a bruise on the side of his cheek that was covered by makeup. Any normal person wouldn't have known but Peter being Peter knew. Peter pitied him as he turned around right as the teacher walked in and the bell rang.


Peter was in his SHIELD outfit, his face covered by his mask. He watched as Harrison got drunk in his kitchen. Flash had grabbed his mothers and sisters hands the second he walked in from being out with his friends all day and seen his father drinking vodka. They where currently hiding in Flash's walk in closet that had a trapdoor. They where hiding in the room behind the trapdoor.

This just honestly made Peter's job easier. He watched Harrison stand up and start yelling for his wife, he threw a glass cup at the wall which shattered.

Peter sighed. What a waste. He jumped out of the tree he was in. It was, thankfully, 10 pm so the sun had gone down a long time ago.

He opened the window silently, not like it mattered thanks to all the loud noise screaming and yelling coming from Harrison. He climbed in, and closed it silently. He expertly walked around the room avoiding Harrison.

He knocked the man out, slowly putting him down and played a recording of him yelling and screaming. He walked up the stairs into his office. He hacked the computer downloading everything on a hard drive while grabbing all the files and putting them in his bag. He also found the weapons, as he shoved them in his bag.

Once the process was done downloading he put it in his bag and walked out to see him still passed out, which confused him a bit since it had been 10 minutes already. He rolled his eyes before grabbing the man and handcuffing him.

Peter left a note on the fridge saying to contact a number so they could find out what had happened to their father/ husband. He shut off the recording. He threw the man over his shoulder and teleported away, thanks to a device he had made.


Peter placed the man on the bed in the cell and left the cell, as medical ran in to check on him. He walked to fury's office, left the bag with all the files, weapons and hard drive in a hidden compartment he and Fury only knew about and would check after his meeting with the Avengers.

He immediately got a call. As he walked out the room he opened the call.


"Hello? Is this the man that left a note on my refrigerator?"

"Ah Mrs. Thompson I'm so glad you called. Listen your husband is safe for now but I would like to see you, your daughter Jesse and your son Eugene in court on bay street (roll with it idk) 8 A.M. in 2 days which will be Thursday by the looks of it. Only of course if you wish." Peter said his voice modified thanks to the mask.

He had entered his room in the quinjet, locked the door, and now was sitting on a chair that connected to the ceiling and floated off the ground.

"Oh thank god he is alright. And why would we have to go to court? How do you even know me and where we live? Where is my husband?" Mrs. Thompson asked.

"Your husband is currently in custody for child abuse, abuse, verbal abuse, having weapons he shouldn't and a bit more. The court is to hopefully put him in jail, but we're going to need your, your daughters and your sons testimony. And the reason why I know all this is because I work for an organization that looks after people that this happens too, and wish to bring justice to them." It wasn't a complete lie.

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