Chapter 19 - The Grave

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Dutch placed his other hand on Casie's cheek, "no, baby girl, its worse. Its not that you don't have any tears left, its you're too afraid to let them fall. You know, as well as I do, that when you see Sean's grave, you won't be able to stop them."

Casie pulled away from Dutch, "you're gonna make me go, aren't you?"

Dutch leaned back in his chair, and finished his glass of brandy. "Yes, Casie," he said, "I am."

Dutch walked to the doors which led onto the balcony, in his room. He had a good view of the whole camp from up here.

"Mr Trelawny, Mr Bell, Mr Morgan, Mr Matthews," he shouted, across the camp. "A moment of your time, gentlemen." He turned around, and walked back into the room.

Casie, got up, and started to head for the door.

"No Casie. I want you here too. Josiah has word on Jack, and probably Abigail. We need to decide what to do."

Casie, half breathed a sigh of relief. If they were talking about Jack and Abigail, then it might mean going after them, rather than having to visit Sean's grave.

Casie, sat back down, and waited for the others. She hadn't really seen Micah, or Arthur, since they brought her back from the falls. This could be quite awkward.

Dutch picked up the glasses, and the bottle of brandy from the table, and put them back in the cupboard. He returned to the table, and sat down, drumming his fingers on the table, his rings, making the noise even louder. Casie thought, for someone who had been so patient with her, he seemed to be incredibly impatient with the others.

After a few moments, the door opened, and the men trooped in, and seated themselves around the table.

You could almost cut the atmosphere with a knife. No one wanted to be the first to speak.

Dutch stopped drumming, and cleared his throat. "Mr Trelawny, what news have you got for us?"

Josiah breathed a sigh of relief. At least if they were talking about business, it would take their minds off the current situation with Casie. Although, to him, it didn't look like Casie and Dutch had too many issues. Micah and Arthur, well that was a different story.

"I've managed find out, that Jack has been whisked away, by Abigail's sister." he paused, "my contact in Blackwater, believes she was headed to St. Denis."

"Is that it!" Micah scoffed.

"Oh shut up, Micah, unless your planning on shooting up all of St. Denis until you find them!" Arthur said, sarcastically.

Casie ignored the two men, they obviously still had issues with each other, despite finding her together at Cumberland falls, and bringing her home.

"Josiah," she said "have you got any idea where we should start?"

Josiah smiled at Casie, "yes, my dear." He then addressed the whole gathering. "Abigail's sister, is still a working woman, if you get my drift. So when she's working, she'll need to find someone to look after Jack."

Hosea frowned "What is your thinking on that, Mr Trelawny?"

"We have a picture of Jack, but not of Abigail's sister. I think, if we use a subtle approach, we can find out where Jack will be, when Abigail is working. I would suggest Casie, plays the role of Jack's big sister, whilst we search. Once we find out where he is, Arthur can go and get him, Jack is fond of Arthur, so wont be troubled if Arthur takes him away. Once we have him, Abigail will come looking for him. Then you gentlemen can decide her fate."

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