Chapter 14

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"Do plants get sad if we don't water them?"

Jungkook stared at him. "That must've been a really hard hit on the head if you're still thinking about things like this."

"It's a genuine question!" Taehyung insisted.

"They're plants, Tae, they don't feel betrayal or sadness."

"But," Taehyung stressed, "we don't know that."

"Yes, we—"

"Would you shut up?" Yoongi interrupted. His fork was halfway to his mouth. He glared at the both of them. "You've been fighting over stupid crap for the past thirty minutes."

"He's the one asking the questions," Jungkook pointed at Taehyung.

"I don't care," said Yoongi. "I liked it better when you were quiet."

At this, Jungkook stiffened. Yoongi immediately realized his mistake.

"I didn't mean—"

Jungkook shook his head and went back to his breakfast.

Taehyung shot Yoongi a glare to avenge Jungkook and then continued to water Hoseok's aloe vera plant.

Hoseok, who was leaning on the wall, said, "Tae, how did you get that concussion, anyways?"

Taehyung didn't look up from the aloe vera. "Fought a demon. I think I hit my head on a wall, or something."

Hoseok just nodded. "Thank god Jimin's here to heal up any injuries."

"Yeah," Jimin nodded. "Thank god for me."

"You're starting to sound like that Seokjin kid."

"Kid?" Seokjin looked offended. "I'm older than you, Jung Hoseok!"

Jungkook looked up from his food. "So, you finally admit you're old?"

"Oh, no," Seokjin groaned. "Now Jungkook is in on it, too."

"Everyone, just calm down," Namjoon said loudly. "Besides," he added, "you're giving Seokjin even more grey hair."

Hoseok burst out laughing at that. Among all the chaos, Taehyung realized that he almost over watered Hoseok's aloe vera. He moved onto Hoseok's lavender plant, and then to his Epipremnum aureum (also known as Devil's Ivy, but Hoseok insisted on calling it by its full name). Taehyung made sure not to water it too much, as Hoseok had said that ivys liked to be kept dry.

Taehyung felt a hand on his shoulder, and he jumped. Jungkook frowned at him.

"You okay?"

Taehyung swallowed and nodded. "I'm fine."

"We're leaving now," Jungkook told him. "Let's go."

"But... the plants..." Taehyung mumbled.

"The plants will be fine," said Jungkook. "There's much more beautiful plants in Heaven. Come on, Tae."

Taehyung let Jungkook drag him outside.


"We just fly?" Taehyung asked. They were all standing in Hoseok's driveway, wings out and looking up at the sky.

(Taehyung did notice that Yoongi only had his right wing, which made him feel pity for the mint-haired boy.)

"First..." said Namjoon. "We have to make sure that no humans see us. Jungkook's already created a barrier around us, as you can see."

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