Chapter 18

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contains strong language

Five year old Taehyung sits at his desk at school, trying to not pour too much glitter on his card.

When the teacher comes to him, he looks up.

"Taehyung, this is supposed to be a Father's day card."

The kids around him giggle.

"I know!" Taehyung chirps. He holds up the card so the teacher can see. Inside it, written in messy handwriting with crayon, are the words 'Happy Mother's Day #2!'

"Daddy isn't around so I make a second card for mommy instead!"

The teacher doesn't say anything for a moment. "It's a very nice card," she says finally. "I'm sure your mommy will love it."

Taehyung beams.

The king looked surprised. "Taehyung, is that you? You've grown."

Taehyung clenched his fists. "Of course I've grown, you haven't been around for 20 years, you piece of shit."

Taehyung thought he heard a gasp from someone behind him, but he didn't care enough to turn around or apologize for his language. Because in front of him was the man that had abandoned him mother, abandoned him. Taehyung was seeing red.

His father only grinned. "You look just like your mother, except the eyes. You have-"

"Your eyes, sadly," Taehyung scoffed. "I'd rather not have any of your features, I don't want any of that ugly crap on my face, but I guess it doesn't matter what I want."

His father got up from the throne and motioned him over. "Let's talk."

"I think the fuck not."

He raised an eyebrow. "Then your friends will get captured must faster than I expected. I have an army, Taehyung, so I suggest you do what I say."

"Or what? Gonna kill me, huh?"

Taehyung felt an arm on his shoulder. It was Jungkook.

"Taehyung," he pleaded. "Please, stop, your anger will only complicate things-"

Taehyung didn't listen. He shook Jungkook's arm off of his own. "You want to talk? I'll talk, but touch my friends and I'll kill you."

Taehyung marched up the stairs to stand in front of the throne with his father. His friends' pleads fell on deaf ears. He had always imagined meeting his father, but not like this. Not the king of Hell, a man who had caused too much war and loss.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "You gonna talk, or are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?"

His father took a breath. "23 years ago, I met your mother on Earth. We fell in love-"

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"-and we had you. It was then that I realized what a big mistake I had made. I was immortal, and your mother was human, from Earth. My powers would leave me once you turned 15. You were an accident."

"A mistake, you mean?"

"A good one," the king amended quickly.

"There are no good mistakes. Good mistakes are miracles, and I'm no miracle."

"I attempted to steal the darkness gem, so I could get my powers back-"

"Where is this going?" Taehyung interrupted. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"I'm explaining why I left, Taehyung."

"Yeah, I know why you left. You left because you love power. You love this throne more than you loved us. If I asked you to come back right now, would you? No, no you wouldn't. And that's just the thing, isn't it? You left us for a throne. A throne. WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK THAT'S OKAY?"

Taehyung's voice had risen to a shout, but he couldn't control his anger anymore. "YOU LEFT US! A fucking three year old, and a woman who loved you, you left us to live on our own, you left her to raise a kid on her own!"

"You're right," his father said. "I love power. I love it. The ability to control. But I never meant to leave-"


The king's face hardened. "If only you chose the path I had taken, Taehyung. Hell's uniform suits you. But I can see there's no changing your mind."

The doors to the throne room flew open. Soldiers flew in, all wearing Hell's uniforms, and there were so many that Taehyung couldn't count. By instinct, and just in time, his sword appeared in his hands. He raised it to block his father's sword, which was coming down on his head just a second before.

They fought. Taehyung couldn't pay attention to anything else except their swords and the determination in his father's eyes.

He's determined to kill me. He'll kill anyone in his way.

Blocking another jab, Taehyung's anger returned, stronger than ever.

His father would put on a mask, pretend to be nicer than he really was, just to get Taehyung onto his side. His father left him and his mother to rot. His father, this man he was fighting, was the reason so many people lost members of their family, or relatives, or friends.

Taehyung was having a fight inside his mind. It was like there were two parts of him, fighting for control.

I hate him.

You don't! He's your father!

I HATE him!



Taehyung drove the sword into his father's heart.

The world went still. The fighting stopped, he heard swords fall to the ground, his father stopped breathing, and Taehyung's anger disappeared far too late.

"No... no..."

Lowering his father to the ground, he stared as the blood stained the carpet.

What had he done?

He heard someone calling his name from far, far away.

Taehyung! Taehyung!

He felt like he was underwater. He couldn't stop staring. He was only half aware that he, too, was on the ground, sitting, and the blood was on his fingers.

A murderer...

Someone shook him. Taehyung?

"I... I killed - he - I -"

Taehyung broke off into a choked sob. He was pulled into a hug by Jungkook, and he was held tightly, but all Taehyung could see over the youngest's shoulder was the body of the father he had killed, the body of the father he never got to know.

And he had only himself to blame for it.


okay so

tae's father is immortal in the sense that he never ages, but can be killed. he found some dark magic or whatever to become immortal so he could rule forever. he had already been ruling for about one century when he came down to earth and met tae's mother, and they fell in love, and had taehyung. 3 years after having taehyung, he went back to hell, never to return.

this was sort of a bit of a reference to I Need U, where tae kills his father in a moment of rage and regrets it a LOT afterwards.

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