Chapter 8

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The next morning, they were ready to go. Taehyung only caught a small glimpse of Jungkook's small, hunched over figure, which seemed hidden behind Namjoon's tall one.

Jungkook wouldn't meet anyone's eyes. It seemed all his attention was on the ground underneath them. He stayed next to Namjoon at all times, Namjoon's hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Taehyung couldn't even see his eyes.

He seemed so... broken. So sad. Taehyung wished he could fix it somehow, with a snap of a finger and restore all happiness to him.

It was unfair how other people had such bad things happen to them while Taehyung was just here. He didn't think of himself as a good person or a bad one, yet he had a mostly normal life. Then the nice people around him— they were all struggling. Taehyung found it sad how no one was ever happy anymore.

The coast was clear of any monsters. It was a miracle how they had survived the night without an attack on Seokjin's house.

When they were getting into the van, Seokjin offered to drive, but Jungkook just shook his head and took the driver's seat himself.

Fifteen minutes into the drive, Seokjin pulled out his phone and started texting someone. Seokjin grinned at his phone.

Taehyung leaned over and squinted at the phone. "Who're you texting?"

"My manager," Seokjin said, pocketing his phone. "He's kinda mad at me, but he's agreed to pull a few strings. I think he said I had to leave for the death of a friend."

"Couldn't he find a more... I don't know, less sad excuse?"

Seokjin shrugged. "It's the only excuse that will work, I suppose. He can't say I took a leave for my health, because I'm perfectly healthy and they know that, and that would be lying."

"None of your friends have died, either," said Taehyung.

"Excuse me. I consider Earth as a very good friend of mine. And Earth isn't dead yet, but I have to help him get through these tough times, right?"

Taehyung grinned. "Whatever you say."


Taehyung recognized some of these streets. Some of these houses, too. He frowned. "Where are we going?"

Namjoon answered from the passenger seat. "We're going to get the fire elemental."

Taehyung pressed his face against the window. They passed a small school, with a sign that read: Daegu Elementary School.

Taehyung straightened up, and in a very loud voice, he yelled, "We're in Daegu!"

Namjoon and Seokjin jumped in surprise and turned to stare at him. Jungkook didn't react.

"Yeah, we're in Daegu," said Seokjin. "Why's that a big deal?"

"This is his hometown," said Namjoon. "I'm sorry, Taehyung, I forgot to mention it in the midst of things."

"It's all right," said Taehyung. "This is my neighborhood! And the school we just passed is where I went to school!"

"The one you got expelled from?" asked Seokjin, a small smile on his face.

"The one I went to after I got expelled," Taehyung answered. "Ah, the memories."

"I'm sure being expelled is memorable." Namjoon nodded. "The fire elemental is in this neighborhood, too. His name is Min Yoongi."

"Min Yoongi?" Taehyung asked. "Like, Min Yoongi?"

Namjoon frowned. "Don't tell me he's a model, too."

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