Chapter 1

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You're currently sitting in catering having lunch and talking to your sister. You decided to wear your black leggings and white cropped tank top with your white converse sneakers and your WWE zip up jacket. You washed your hair and let it dry naturally (you can't do much with it since you broke your wrist). Your makeup was done, but nothing fancy. Just foundation and winged eyeliner and mascara.

"So, how does the wrist feel? Any better?" "Yes, but not a lot. The physicial therapy is brutal" "Well, that's what happens when you break your wrist". Your sister was a bit of a smartass at times, but you wouldn't have it any other way. She had just started talking about your nieces when you see him standing over by the food getting a salad. "Hey, Steph?" "Yeah?" "How's Colby doing? I haven't talked to him in ages" "I don't know. Ask him for yourself - Hey Colby!". Before you could protest what your sister was doing, Colby came walking over to your table and sat down beside Stephanie. "Colby, you remember my sister Rachael, right?" "Yeah, sort of. How are you? Colby Lopez". He reached his hand across the table and shook your hand. "I'm good. Could be better *you raise your left hand so he can see your wrist* how are you?" "I'm good. How did you break your wrist? I try to keep up with NXT, but I've been too busy to watch lately". Before you answered, Stephanie stood up and said she had to go tend to business stuff. "I was in a match and was about to jump off the top rope and my foot slipped and I fell hard on my left side. They watched the footage from the fall and someone on the crew didn't get the turnbuckle set up right so the metal was exposed and my shoe slid" "Damn. Now THAT is brutal" "I know, it hurt like Hell. Enough about me.. How are you doing since the breakup? I heard about the uh.. Umm... Leaked photos".

You had been curious, but never really asked anyone. Colby was recently engaged and his now ex-fiance had posted naked pictures of him online because she thought he cheated. "It's been a rough one. I thought I was gonna lose my job because of those pictures. I really thought I could trust her" "I can only imagine.. I heard about what happened and I couldn't believe it" "Yeah, it's rough. So, how have you been? We haven't seen each other in almost 2 years" "It's been great! These past 2 years on NXT have been some of the best". Before he had the chance to respond, there was an announcement over the speakers. "Seth Rollins to gorilla. Seth Rollins to gorilla" "Well, that's my cue. It was nice seeing you again! Tell that boyfriend of yours I said hello" "Oh, uh.. We broke up last month. He didn't like my schedule" "Oh, well, that's too bad. Maybe we can meet up at the hotel later and go out for a drink and catch up" "I'd like that" "I'll get your number from Steph later. See ya soon!" and with that, he was sprinting for gorilla.

You had a chicken sandwich for lunch and talked to a few of the superstars that you were close to back in NXT. You couldn't wait to be called up. After you finished eating, you went and found your sister. "So, how was catching up with Colby?" "It was good" "You still have that major crush on him?" "Steph! Keep your voice down! But.. Yes..." "I think the feeling's mutual *Stephanie winks at you" "He just broke off his engagement.. I don't think he's looking" "That doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Give it time". You rolled your eyes and laughed and went off to find your dad to say hello. He had to be around here somewhere.

After talking to your dad, you made your way back to your hotel and waited for the phone to ring. You couldn't wait to hangout with Colby.

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