The Next Morning, Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you ask her along, though?" Yoojung probed. "I thought you guys were getting really close..."

Jungkook bit his lip.

Yoojung pursed her lips, removing her hand from Jungkook's shoulder and crossing them across her chest instead, as she narrowed her eyes. "Did something happen in the kitchen last night?"

Jungkook didn't respond immediately. It took almost two whole minutes, as Yoojung paced back and forth in front of him, till he finally replied. "Yoojung, I confessed last night."

"Oh my god-" Yoojung stopped in her tracks, rushing forward to look at Jungkook in complete shock. "What did she say? Did she say yes?"

"Well..." Jungkook shrugged. "She did say she liked me too-"

"And?" Yoojung was too excited for her own good.

"But she said she needed some time to think," Jungkook sighed. "I don't know what's holding her back. I feel like... she's not telling me something."

"Well, we all have our secrets," Yoojung mumbled. "Even what we're doing today- you didn't tell her, did you? You're keeping something from her too."

"Well, yeah, I guess-" Jungkook frowned. "If she'd said 'yes' last night, I was all prepared to ask her along today... but well..."

"Give it some time, Kook," Yoojung smiled. "Jieun really, really likes you. I can tell. I'm sure she has her reasons, just trust her."

"Mmhmm," The corners of Jungkook's mouth twitched slightly. "I know... I just hope she doesn't take too long."

"Guys, I'm sorry, I'm here!" Jimin announced his arrival as he ran towards the three, who were getting impatient waiting for him.

"Holy crap, Park Jimin, do you even know the time right now?" Taehyung jumped to his feet, rushing forward to sling an arm around his best friend's neck. "You're one whole hour late!"

Jimin laughed sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I overslept."

"Overslept?" Taehyung frowned. "What was keeping you up late, huh?"

Jimin glanced over in Yoojung's direction, where Yoojung was facing him, but biting her lips as she stared at the ground. Last night's memory was still fresh in their heads. That beautiful kiss.

"Hm, nothing-" Jimin shrugged. He walked over in Yoojung and Jungkook's direction. "Good morning, guys."

Jimin and Yoojung made eye contact briefly, but looked away hurriedly, blushing furiously.

"So," Jimin turned his attention to Jungkook. "You alright, Kook?"

Jungkook nodded slightly. "Your girlfriend cheered me up, a little."

"Hm," Jimin bit his lip. "Where's yours?"

"My?" Jungkook cocked his head to the side. "My what?"

Jimin smirked, punching Jungkook in the shoulder. "You know what I'm talking about, last night you and Ji-"

"Aha- Jimin, let's go talk to Taehyung, I need to ask him something," Yoojung interrupted quickly, grabbing Jimin by the arm and pulling him hurriedly towards Taehyung, as Jungkook looked at the ground once more.

"What?" Jimin raised his eyebrows, once he was sure Jungkook couldn't hear them.

"It... didn't go as we expected," Yoojung pursed her lips. "I think Jieun's still kind of hesitant."

"Ah..." Jimin frowned. "I was really hoping it'd gone well... Why though? Do you know why?"

"Mm-mm," Yoojung shook her head, peering over her shoulder to look at Jungkook. "He doesn't, and neither do I."

"Maybe you should ask her," Jimin suggested. "You're her best friend after all."

"I guess," Yoojung shrugged. "Let's get through today first, though. You know how Jungkook feels every time it's an important day like this."

"Yeah," Jimin smiled. "Anyway, did you sleep well last night?"

Yoojung, who had in that moment, almost forgotten about what had happened between them last night, was suddenly reminded of it once more, as she let go of Jimin's arm at once, her cheeks turning pink once more. "Mmhmm," she grinned, nodding her head slowly.

"Me too," Jimin smiled sheepishly. "I-"

"Okay, time to go, peeps!" Taehyung announced, calling all of them towards him. "The next bus' coming in 5 minutes, we better head there right now."

"Got it, boss," Jimin smiled, reaching out towards Yoojung and grabbing her hand in his, all so naturally. "Let's go."

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