Bill Williamson: Wasting Time

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"Oh, that's kind of you but it's okay, really" you smiled, shaking your head at him. You wondered why he was offering you the drink anyway.

"Really, it's fine. Take it" Bill encouraged you again as he held the drink out closer to you.

"No, it's yours. I'll just go and get my own" you smiled as you went to stood up.

You eyes widened slightly as you looked back at Bill, the man who had just grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down onto your seat. "I'll get it" he mumbled slightly before standing up and walking away. You just watched him walk away to fetch you a drink with a confused expression on your face.

You waited, a little awkwardly, at the table for Bill to return. When Bill did walk back over to the table, he placed a bottle of beer down on the table in front of you before sitting back down where he was previously sitting. You gave him a polite smile and thanked him for the drink before taking a sip from the bottle, feeling Bill's eyes on you but you didn't mention it.

"How has the camp been treating you?" Bill asked, looking at you and you were a little taken back by how intently he seemed to be listening to you despite you not having spoke yet and him being rather drunk already.

"Real nice, thank you, Mr Williamson" you smiled politely, having another sip from your drink.

"Ain't got nothing to thank me for, should be thanking Dutch I guess. And you can call me Bill, just Bill" he insisted, shaking his head at you. Bill had noticed you around camp, he's a little ashamed to admit that he noticed you the moment you got to camp. Now, it would be nothing to be ashamed of, noticing a new pretty woman in camp. What kept bugging him was that you were quite a bit younger than him, he already knew that you would never even look twice at him but that didn't stop him from being friendly.

"I hope you don't mind me saying but I've been thinking recently, Bill Williamson sounds a little...odd. Not in a bad way, of course. I just mean isn't Bill short for William? Like...William Williamson?" you laughed softly to yourself, hoping that you didn't offend him. Fortunately, he laughed too before having another drink.

"No, my name ain't William. Bill comes from Williamson" he explained, not seeing any harm in being honest with you. You would probably just find out from someone else anyway.

"What's your real name then? You don't have to tell me or anything, I was just wondering" you assured him, looking down at your beer bottle.

"It's Marion" Bill sighed, obviously waiting for your response.

"Marion" you hummed and nodded, just testing the name for a moment. You definitely wouldn't have guessed that.

"Yeah, you can see why I changed it, right?" he asked, chuckling slightly without looking at you.

"I don't know, it ain't that bad. Bill suits you more though" you shrugged, looking at him with a genuine smile. Bill just looked at you and smiled slightly, nodding as he took a sip form his drink. That night you and Bill talked some more, nothing very serious. Just about what you both did before meeting Dutch, since he seemed so curious about your story and you were happy to know a little more about him.

You made him smile quite a few times which in turn made you smile, and he made you laugh a lot which made his chest fill with pride. He told you stories about the gang, the adventures that they had before you joined and the stupid things they got up too or just embarrassing stories about other members of the gang. It was a fun evening until you got tired and decided you needed to get some sleep. Bill nodded and watched you leave before you disappeared into his tent. He glanced down at the bottle in his hand and realised that he had barely drank anything since you started talking, you were a welcome distraction from his drinking habit. He just shrugged before finishing the bottle and turning in for the night.

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