massachusetts 36

494 7 0

bailey's pov:

it was a short flight from new jersey to massachusetts, i was really excited to see my family and so was nick, but because of all the traveling we have been doing i think i caught something. we walked out of the airport and i was feeling a little warm.

"you okay bails?" nick asked

"yeah i feel a little off but im sure ill be fine" i replied, but inside i felt like crap.

in the uber:

i rested my head on nicks shoulder we had about 30 minutes left in the uber until we got to my house, every passing minute i felt even more sick.

"bailey are you sure you ok, you feel really warm" nick said as he placed his hand on my forehead.

"yeah im ok, just a little warm." i replied

"do you need any water back there?" the uber driver asked

"yes" nick replied at the same time i said "no" the driver passed back a water and nick gave it to me.

"drink it" nick said

"fine" i drank the water and then fell asleep

at our house:

"bails" nick lightly shook me

"mmh" i replied not opening my eyes

"were here" nick told me and opened the car door and helped me out, as i to out of the car i almost fell but nick caught me "woah" nick said

"you need to lie down right now you're sick" nick told me concerned and i didnt have enough energy to disagree so i just nodded, got my bag, and walked to the door.

nicks pov:

i helped bailey to the door because i knew she felt worse then she was telling me. i knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

"oh my gosh bailey, you're home!" baileys mom said excitedly and pulled her into a hug. i was about to say that bailey needed to rest because i knew she wouldn't if i didnt tell her but then her mom started "ohh and you must be nick, its great to finally meet you!" and she hugged me as well.

"honey get down here to see bailey and nick!" baileys mom yelled up the stairs, and soon after down walked baileys dad and her other brother sam and her sister maya. we greeted the rest of her family and then brought our bags into baileys room, where we were staying. we set down our bags and bailey went to walk out of the room.

"where are you going?" i asked her as i blocked her walkway to the door

"to spend time with my family" she replied

"i know you want to but i can tell you are feeling like crap, lay down and rest." i begged her

"nick" she replied kinda annoyed


"fine i will lay down" i kissed her forehead tucked her into bed and then went back out to the family room where everyone was.

"where is bailey?" her mom asked

"she isn't feeling well, i told her she needed to rest, you know how she is" i told everyone

"awe you are too sweet, and yes i know how she is" she replied and we all laughed a little. i walked over the couch  and sat down and watched the game with them.

"who have you got winning?" baileys dad asked

"liberty" i replied

"good" he replied and sipped whatever was in his cup

during the game:

"come on, really a foul!!" i complained raising my voice a tiny bit

"BS" sam yelled and flopped back onto the couch. me and her family were watching the liberty vs Mississippi game because it was march madness. Baileys dad flipped through the channels of the other games when he finally broke the silence, "so how long have you and bailey been together, it's been a while since we have seen her?"

"about seven months now" i replied

"why did it take you guys so long to get out here?" he asked again

"well work, and we have been doing a lot of other traveling" i was getting more nervous ask he asked questions

"im going to lay it out flat, bailey is one of a kind, treat her heart like glass. you break her heart i break your neck." he sipped his drink and made eye contact with me

"honey!" baileys mom yelled at him after he said that

"i understand sir, i have no intentions of hurting your daughter" i directed my attention back to the game because the commercials were now over.

"oh no your watching sports together" bailey said in a sarcastic tone and she walked and sat next to me on the couch

"hey what's that supposed to mean!?" i asked while laughing a little

"ohh nothing i just know how you get" bailey replied and we all laughed

"how are you feeling?" i asked concerned

"better i broke my fever"

"im glad" i smiled and directed my attention towards the tv again.




idk if the timeline matches up with how long they have been dating for but just go with it

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