help 42

440 7 0

3 months later
"okay in you go" nick said as he helped me into the car. i was finally moved out of the hospital into my house but i was still there 24/7 for treatments and checkups.  Edwin left a week after he arrived because of some work stuff that needed to be taken care of but i'm beyond great full that nick has stayed. let's say treatment hasn't been easy in any of us. it's made me very sick, some times i'm up all night with my head in the toilet, and nick is always there. i rested my head on the car window as we drove back to my house. our days have been the same for three months they go a little like this

1. wake up and take medicine
2. eat lunch and go to hospital for treatments and checkups
3. come home watch a movie
4. dinner and medicine
5. sleep
6. repeat

"you wanna watch a movie tonight?" nick asked as we pulled into my drive way

"no i think i'm just going to go to bed" i replied i wasn't really in the mood, these treatments are taking the life out of me i have to be helped with everything and i feel so helpless, i hate cancer. nick got out of the car and came to my side to give me a hand
" i got it" i told him and he stepped back a little in shock. i started to try and get out but once my feet hit the driveway i could keep my balance and i almost fell but nick caught me.

"come one let me help you" nick begged

"im fine i got it" i released him arms from mine and started to walk to the door, very slowly. nick came up behind me and put his arms hovering my waist and back for support if i fell

"nick i said i got it" i raised my voice a little bit

"ok i'm sorry" nick said as he removed his hands and placed them in his pockets


incoming phone call from edwin🥚

hey ed
hey bails
what's up
nothing much just calling to see how treatments are going
well they are tough but it will be worth it
i'm already planning my next trip out there, i think some of the guys are planning on coming out soon too
i love you guys
we love you too, i actually got to run but i'll call you later ok?
yeah, love you!
love you


"hey" nick said as he walked into my room where i was sitting on the bed.

"hey" i replied and he came and sat next to me. "i'm sorry" i said as i rested my head on his shoulder

"no i'm sorry, i've been treating you like you can't do anything yourself, and i apologize i just want to make sure your okay. the pain you are going through, there's nothing i can do to help it, so i guess this was my way of helping." nick said very quickly and held my hand

"don't be sorry, you are being helpful and i can't do a lot of the stuff i used to do on my own, i need your help and i'm so lucky and thankful that you are here to help me. i guess, i don't know, i'm just independent" i laughed a little

"i understand, i love you"

"i love you too, i'm sorry for yelling at you for trying to help" i said and he kissed my forehead. we then fell back into the bed and went to sleep although it was only evening.

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