midnight snack 2

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Nicks POV:

all five guys were at the PM house just chilling which was a little unusual because usually someone is out doing something. i played fortnite with zion and haley, me in my room and zion in his and haley at her house. brandon and austin were downstairs painting and edwin was in his room chopping up a beat. i soon became too aggravated during out fortnite game and quit.

 i went down stairs to check out what edwin had in the making and the beat he was creating was fire. then i went to the kitchen/living room to see the art b and austin had made and their artwork was dope. i say in the couch and flipped through the channel's not knowing that to do, it was kinda late but i was in the mood to do something. 

i headed to my room got my wallet and keys and yelled to the guys "ima go get ice cream anyone wanna come with?" i was soon trampled by four head asses as they raced to my car trying to get shot gun. edwin made it to the front seat first and immediately hooked up the the aux and started playing wow. by post malone.

we drove down town to get ice cream at this place called little damage. we decided to park kinda far away because we didn't mind that walk and the views. we got the little damage and ordered enjoyed our ice cream for a few and decided to head back to the car even though zion was the only one who finished. 

as we were walking back to the car we walked past the dance studio by the name of playground la. the studios front was all windows allowing pedestrians to look in. as we walked by i saw the most beautiful girl dancing alone in the studio. i stopped in the front of the studio in awe of her beauty, once i stopped the guys did the same but they weren't concerned about the girl dancing they were confused on why i stopped walking.

"aye yo nick you good" brandon asked as he waved his hand in front of my face trying to break my trace

"nick!?" edwin scream into my ear but i still didn't move the effect this girl had on me was electric

"shhhhh!" i said in a harsh tone holding up my pointer finger to the boys signaling to them i needed a moment. i watched her hips sway side to side to the beat of the music and her hair flip every time she moved her head. i knew from that moment i needed to talk to her. i had a sudden burst of courage and i handed zion my half eaten ice cream and started towards the studio door. from behind me i heard. "bro what are you doing?" "what has he got in mind!?" "is he ok, he doesn't usually act like this" "let him do it guys, whatever it is"

i got to the studio door and tried to push it open but it was locked, i looked down at my phone and realized it was around 12 pm no wonder they are closed, but that wasn't going to stop me. i knocked on the door and she didn't hear me over the loud music i knocked again a little louder and her attention was now on me. once i realized she saw me i picked up my hand waved and mouthed the words "can i come in" she looked unsure she shut off the music and walked up to the door. i stepped back a little wondering if she was going to open the door or not.

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