protective 5

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Your POV:

"hey" i said in a soft tone

"hey" he said keeping his head down low, i sat next to him as he looked at his phone. when i sat down he didn't look at me so i said "nick?"

"yeah" he replied still not meeting my eyes

"i really wanted you to get picked for the dance" i said in a tone just above a whisper. at this head picked his head up and looked me in the eyes

"really!?" he said in a more chipper voice

"yeah but my brother matt wanted to he said it would be fun." i rolled my eyes and nick laughed a little

"you and b looked good out there" 

"thanks, wish it was you but b is an amazing dancer"

"more amazing than me?" he asked in a sassy tone

"maybe" i answered jokingly. he grabbed his chest and pretended his heart hurt "damn i really felt that one" i shoved his shoulder and laughed 

"so does this mean i can get your number still?" 

"those weren't the rules you have to be picked to perform that dance and then you can have my number"

"wait seriously"


"when's your next class"

"tonight at 7"

"i'll be there"

"you better be mara" i stood up and walked away talking to some parents who were picking their kids up. by 1 the studio was totally empty and i decided to go to lunch with matt. we walked from the studio to lunch and decided on urth caffe. at lunch matt and i talked about our future for the dance studio and talked about old memories. were were eating and all of a sudden matt brings up nick. 

"so this kid that was in class today" i looked up at him as he started his sentence "the one with the orange sweatshirt on"

"ohh you mean nick" i responded

"yes nick, what's going on between you two" he asked as he continued eating

"what do you mean we are friends" i answered knowing exactly what he was talking about

"friends don't give each other bedroom eyes" matt stuffed food in his mouth and looked at me with a i know you know what i'm talking about look

"i don't know what your talking about" i went back to eating but he gave me that look again "ok fine maybe i think he's cute but i wasn't giving him bedroom eyes" i said defensively

"maybe you weren't but he was definitely giving you them" i rolled my eyes when matt said this "i'm just trying to protect my baby sister" once he said this i gave him a half smile

"you know i don't really know if i like him but there is definitely chemistry" i said as i looked at matt

"yeah i know that's why i didn't pick him to dance with you today" matt said

"you what!" i nearly spit out my water when i heard this "why did you do that!"

"i don't want any mans to get that close to my sister before they are dating" matt said defensively

"ugh you suck" i was annoyed at him but i guess he did it for the right reasons now the real question is do i tell nick or not?

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