vacation 31

594 7 2

after coming home from the ski trip nick and i decided that we wanted to start traveling right away. after 2 days at home we packed up our bags again and started our traveling adventure. 


the day you get home from the ski trip.

we pulled up the the pm house after a long night of traveling. i threw myself on nicks bed because i was so exhausted, nick followed in and laid his head down on my stomach. i scratched his head "i wanna start traveling now" 

"now?" he asked as he lifted his head from my stomach looking at me

"yeah" i shrugged and nick got up and brought his computer back to the bed. we propped ourselves up against the headboard. "where to?" he asked as he pulled up jet blue flight schedules. 

"well im thinking we go to all 50 states before we go anywhere out of the country" i looked at him to see how he felt about that

"that sounds great" he smiled

"ok so what about we go here, then here, then here all in one trip and spend a few days in each?" i asked pointing to Washington, Oregon, and Nevada. without answering nick booked a fight from LAX to PDX

"get ready we are leaving in two days" he smiled and closed his laptop

end of flashback

skip vacation this is a summary

we arrived in Oregon two days later, we had a blast in Oregon its was quiet and filled with nature we did a lot of hiking, and favorite things we did were river rafting, helicopter tours, and visiting the county fair. after 3 days in Oregon we went to Washington we did more hiking and beaching but we also went to a zoo and we road horses on the beach and through the woods. lastly we went to nevada it sucks because im only 20 so i can't really do anything in vegas but we had fun anyways. we went to the strip, fremont street, and went clubbing it was honestly a lot of fun considering we couldn't do half the stuff you do when you got to vegas. 

we decided to take a road trip back home from vegas, it was only a 4 hour car ride so it wasn't bad at all. the whole car ride consisted of screwing lyrics to music, good conversation, and eating a crap ton of junk food. once we finally pulled up to the pm house after the road trip back home. we walked in and were bombarded by hugs from the prettymuch guys and even my brother and hailey.

"bailey we missed you!!" zion pulled me into a bear hug and then said to nick "missed you to bro " and dapped him up

"missed you sissy" matt pulled me into a hug, "missed you too big bro" i replied and then i hugged everyone else, and we made our way to the living room. 

"so what did you guys do?" edwin asked eager

"well.." nick started and told them about everything we did. 


i pulled the blankets on nicks bed so they were  covering my legs and placed my laptop on my legs and opened it to start editing my travel video from nick and i's trip. i had been editing for about an hour and the video was almost finished. i heard a faint knock on the door an i saw nick walk in. without saying anything he slid onto the bed laying on top of my legs,  put my hand on his neck and started scratching. 

"wanna see the video" i asked nick

"yeah" he said and repositioned himself so he now was laying on his side and was hugging my stomach. i started the video, it started with a clip in the airport where we explained where we were going, then a clip of me and nick fooling around and play fighting while waiting for the plane. and then one of my favorite moments as we were sitting on the plane nick turned the camera that was shooting a time-lapse and said "listen up guys, this girl right here is my girl, my girl so all y'all players back off she taken." then the video proceeded to show our adventure though all three states and our road trip back. 

the video came to an end and i looked down at nick. "are you crying?" i asked and he sniffled in reply, "why?" i asked rubbing his neck

"because we hella cute" he said and looked up at me

"i love you" i peck his lips

"i love you too" 

a dancing duoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora