best friends 14

988 11 3

Nicks POV: 

i was laying in my bed when i got a notification on my phone that said baileysteff tagged you in a post i clicked it and saw her post and she looked beautiful. i decided to comment, but i didn't want to come on too forward so i just commented 🦋. i scrolled through the other comments and 2 caught my attention one from zach herron that had the heart eyes emoji and one from aaron carpenter about something in a week and tagged 6 guys. i dismissed the comment from zach but the comment from aaron had my mind running. who was he? were they doing and she never told me? what is she doing with seven guys? who the fuck is this person?

"b come look at this" i showed brandon my phone and told him to read the comment the aaron had made. 

"can't wait one more week" brandon read out loud tying to comprehend what i was getting at "one more week for what?" brandon asked me

"i don't know and its driving me crazy, one more week and 6 guys are tagged, wtf could this mean!" i started to raise my voice

"chill bro, if it bugs you that much then ask her about it" brandon walked towards his bed and played down

"i guess" i said doing the same

"but if you don't trust her and this aaron kid then.." brandon started

"i know, i know trust is needed in a relationship ." i replied and then drifted off to sleep.

Your POV:

today i had to talk to nick about aaron, even though there was nothing going on between me and aaron besides friendly love, i still felt like i needed to let nick know about our relationship. I knocked on the pretty much house door and nick opened it. a smile instantly went on my face when i saw him, its only been 2 weeks since I've known this kid and he makes me feel some type of way. he lead me to his room and we sat on the bed.

"i wanna talk about something" we both said in sync

"you first" nick said

"no you" i said, he looked at me with a look that said come on you go but i gave it right back.

"fine ill go" he said which made me smile "i couldn't help but notice this kid aaron commented on your post and it had six other guys tagged in it. i know we aren't officially dating but i was just wondering who he was." it made me happy that nick and i were on the same page about my friendships, "that's actually what i wanted to talk to you about as well, aaron is one of my best friends we met each other in 2016 when he did a tour called magcon. we have been best friends ever since and then he introduced me to cam, willie, jack, chris, and i introduced him to christian and bryant and ever since we have all been a huge 'squad" nick smiled when i said this and said "when can i meet them?"

"when ever you want to" i replied

"so what's happening in a week?" he asked

"we are going to colorado for a ski trip" i said

"ohh" he said and he looked very sad. i put my hand on he cheek and pecked his lips

"i want you to know im ready to be your girl friend and the only romantic feelings i have in my heart are for you and ice cream." 

"in that case, bailey will you be my girl friend?" he asked

i jumped onto his lap and kissed him, then i got up and jumped on the bed and screamed "im taken bitches!" which made nick laugh

"so that's a yes?" 

"that's a hell yes" i kissed him again "so about the trip since we are dating i can ask the guys if you can come with?"

"no, no you go have fun with your friends." he said, this made my heart so happy and showed me that he trusts me, i wanted to tell him i loved him so badly because i did. everything i do i think of him he is constantly on my mind, he never fails to make me laugh and smile and feel special. 

"i love you" i told him and then kissed his lips

"i love you too" he replied smiling and kissed me again. 

"i was scared you wouldn't say it back" i chuckled. he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead

"i love you bailey and i mean it" he stared deeply into my eyes as he told me this which made my heart melt. just from this little conversation i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with this kid, but i also wanted to take it slow

"can we not tell everyone just yet?" i asked quietly as i sat on his lap straddling him. 

"what are you ashamed of me" he asked as he rubbed my legs

"never, but i want this to work" i motioned between us and he nodded his head

"but not from best friends the guys have to know." nick said and i agreed

"that means my other best friends can know too?" i asked hoping he would agree

"of course" he picked me up and we started to walk down stairs to tell the guys. all the guys were in the living room eating pizza and playing video games. as soon as i was about to open my mouth brandon interrupted me and said "we know you dating" 

edwin added "ya we heard you say im taken bitches" this made me laugh. i grabbed a slice of pizza and sat next to nick and austin on the couch.

"so are you guys happy for us?" i asked because before their emotions weren't clear

"of course, we shipped you from the beginning" zion said.


it was about 5 o'clock and i had spent my whole day at the pretty much house. right now zion and nick were playing fortnite and edwin austin and brandon were painting, i was just laying on the couch hella bored. i walked into nicks room and he was watching zion play from the computer because he was dead. i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed under his ear. he turned around in his swivel chair and removed his head set. 

"what's up bae?" he asked as he placed his hands on my hips and rubbed them

"i wanna do something im bored" i pouted

"im busy right now bae" he replied and then i heard a faint "nick i don't wanna hear yo convos please turn off your mic." i laughed and nick did so

"ok then im going to go out" i said getting off he lap and going over to my bag i had left here with a few clothes

"where you going?" he asked from his computer as he started a new game with zion, but this time zion was live streaming his game

"ima meet up with some of the guys" i said, not wanting him to make a big deal out of it because i knew they were live streaming, and also the beanz didn't know we were dating. i stepped out of the closet wearing this

"and where are you going" he asked in a more concerned tone 

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"and where are you going" he asked in a more concerned tone 

"over to jacks" i said kissing his cheek lightly so they couldn't hear it wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. and i started reading the chat of the twitch live stream. the chat consisted of is that bailey? are they dating? why is she at their house? nicks out of the basement! i just laughed at all of the comments and dismissed them. "im leaving now, ill text you maybe meet up with us later"

at this he smiled and mouthed i love you and i did too since everyone could hear what we were saying. i jumped in my car and headed to jacks. 

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