Investigate? I would do no such thing. I would go straight into wherever it was that she was hiding, grab her ass and take her home with me tonight. Forget her bags, which she hadn't packed, by the way. 

Images flashed in my head, shifting in the matter of seconds, I dove into the air and towards the damn party she had went to. A party with dirty human boys.  A party that would have horny teenage boys rubbing against her-- If someone so much as sniffed her, I'd rip their fucking head off, and then I'd bend her over my knee and slap that-"

Alpha, we can very much hear your thoughts at the moment, maybe you should block us out before continuing...

Shut up!

I growled, and closed the connection. I had already neared the party, the music was far too loud for my sensitive ears, but I focused on what mattered. The first thing I heard as I took the steps that would place me in their view; was a girl shrieking. She was telling the group that they needed a doctor, that they need to call the police. Perhaps I'd wait until the human law enforcers came and arrested these troublesome children. Maybe they'd manage to scare my mate straight.

Or she'll be locked away from us for days.

Ugh. I couldn't help but growl at my wolf's reminder as I stepped out of the forest and onto a patio, where a bunch of tanning chairs were stacked. I lifted my head and scented the air. But I wasn't happy about what I sniffed out, blood, not just any blood but my Angelina's. Who dared to draw a royals blood! That resulted in immediate death. But of course, wolf laws didn't apply to human ones.  I followed the source of the sent and my eyes locked with Angelina's gray ones. She was staring at me. My wolf howled and I right along with him.  Her face was bruised, nail marks plastered all over her beautiful face. I felt my claws extend.

My furiation spiked up even more when the humans screamed and ran towards the house, blocking my view from her. I was trying, so hard not to pounce and kill one of the scampering children, no mater how much my wolf tried convincing me. If we did kill someone, Angelina would see, and I wouldn't have her thinking that we were monsters. Not when she already hated me.

She'll grow to love us. Now, focus on finding her.

A scream, higher then the panic one's, broke through the air. Then it came again, but closer. I stopped searching the crowd and turned my head to my left. She was crying, sprawled out in a awkward position. I was irritated, angry and annoyed. Annoyed because she had managed to escape me, angry because I had to find her, and because she had the nerve to look terrified of me. Me? She had just ran towards me less than a minute ago, pausing before she corrected herself and dissapeared from my view again within the sea of kids. Nevertheless she had ran towards a murderous, blood thirsty wolf, why be afraid now? Her instincts must had been wired wrong. Humans run away from threats, not towards them. I leapt over a chair my eyes still fixated on my mate.

I was getting closer, she obviously wasn't paying much attention to me, not until I was less then twelve feet away. Something had snagged my attention, her dress was stained with blood,a lot of blood. She covered the stain with her palm, wincing at the pain, and then she whimpered and slid away. I growled. Don't you dare move away from me, sweetheart. 

"No. Stay back."

I halted, and tilted my head to the side.

"I am not food. I am a women and I deserve to be treated with- with..." She winced. Her head was probably hurting. "I should be treated with carrots-I mean respect! You will not eat me. You will go back to the forest and live in peace with snow white." Was she drunk? "You will not eat her either." I definitely won't eat snow white, but you on the other hand...  Thats a whole other story.

The Wolf Prince's MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora