Chapter 12: Cliché

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Cliché: a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of originality

Aka: this is the end. Enjoy.


The next morning I woke up to find the house felt empty of another presence. Groggily I sit up only to then realize what this means and jump out of bed. I practically sprint to Chanyeols room even though its only about 15 feet away and run into it only to find it completely empty. There was no sign the giant that once inhabited the space.


Suddenly I felt like a mouse. Small and vanurable. I always heard that I looked like a dinosaur so how is it that I feel like this?

I get a sudden idea and rush to my room. I grab my phone and dial Kyungsoo's number but he doenst answer. I remember about what Minseok said yesterday and sigh.


I know I'm not going to get an answer but I call him anyways. To my surprise however he does pick up his phone.

"Dae? What's up?"

"I thought you guys were going phone-less."

"Uh we we still have our phones on cause we didnt start the trip yet..."



"Where are you?"

There is a slight pause before I get a rushed answer.

"I'm not allowed to say on the account of I made a promise that I wouldnt tell anyone on my moms life."

I hear the sound of chairs rustling and then rushed footsteps. There is a clang and nervousness.

"That might be the case but if you show up at the air port in 2 hours at gate 5, flight 206 would just be getting its shit together and it would be a total coincidence that you happen to be there at the time that Chanyeol is boarding a plane to get away from you." He whispers knowing exactly what he's doing.

I left myself smile and mumble a slight thank you before hanging up and rushing to get ready.

"So you havent left us yet, mother ducker."

I begin to leave the house but stop when I realize what I'm about to do. This causes me to take a look in the hall mirror.

"What are you doing, Kim Jongdae? What are you expecting out of this? Closure? Do you want him back here? Do you want him? Are you doing this because you feel guilty? What? What's the reason? Do you like-"

I mentally face palm when I realize it. I must be so fucking stupid. I squat down and scream frustratedly into my hands. Because then I think about all the things that happened between us and I think of New Years and how sweet and gentle Chanyeols always been to me. Even when we fought it was like a respectful fight. I mentally kick myself. I could have had suck a great fucking guy and I let myself fall back into my old ways from when I was roommates with Minseok.

"Why are I'm so fucking dumb."

With that I get up and walk out the door.

"Please, please dont think I'm pathetic."


| Chanyeol|

Having my eyes closed in a coffee shop while having two headphones in with the music way up and suitcase right beside me probably wasnt the best idea now that I think about it.

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