Chapter Three: Mellifluous

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Mellifluous: Sweet or Musical; Plesant to hear.

The next few months flew by. I didn't even really notice how fast it was going until I realized that the Fall was almost over. It made me sad as well because I loved walking around while the leaves fell and hearing them crunch under my feet. The sidewalks near our school are cobblestone and it made the sound ten times better. Once I stopped hearing the sound is when I realized that the next few months were going to feel cold and harsh. 

I hate winter. I don't hate it because of the cold or anything. I hate it because it feels like a constant reminder that I am alone and that everyone else around me has a boyfriend or girlfriend. I have to scroll through Instagram and all my other SMS and see their happy faces. Yes, I know that they do it during every season but for some reason it seems to be over the top in Winter and Summer. 

I walk into Professor SeokJin's class and plop into my seat. Jongdae comes into the room shortly after me and looks around for someone before eyeing me and walking up the steps to my row. 

After asking me if he can sit with me and I quietly nod my head he sets his stuff down beside mine and plops into his seat as well. He doesn't talk to me though. He just gets his stuff out and then begins writing in a notebook. I glance at his paper to see that he's not writing but drawing. I don't want to move closer to see because it might be personal but at the same time I'm very curious. The characteristic is about to take control when Kyungsoo walks into the room followed closely by Minseok, who won the bet, by the way, but with some convincing by me it was upgraded to a year in stead of two months. Kyungsoo owes my about $50 for that. 

He runs up the steps towards me but pauses when he see's Jongdae. Jongdae doesn't even look at him but pulls his seat in further so that Kyungsoo can get by and come sit on the other side of me. When Minseok tries to follow Jongdae looks up at him and tells him to sit with Baekhyun who I only just now noticed has been sitting in the seats one row down. He's sleeping. Minseok pouts but listens to the younger man for reasons unknown to me. He turns around and looks up to talk to Kyungsoo but Kyungsoo puts headphones in and begins to look over his paper thats due today. Which reminds me to get mine out. 


"Thank you, Yuri, for being the final presenter. Okay everyone remember that we will be watching movies for the next three days because we will be doing a group project before Winter break. If this is your last class of the day don't hesitate to bring a blanket with you during the movies. Class dismissed." Professor Seokjin nods his head slightly and packs his things. Once he is out of the class room we all begin to get our things together. 

"Kyung! Since this is our last class of the day we get to bring blankets!" Minseok yells excitedly. Kyungsoo nods his head and get up with his stuff. As he's walking passed me he stops. 

"You have leaves in your hair, Yeol." 

My eyes widen and my hands fly up to run through my auburn locks. I feel the little pieces of leaves and mentally face palm. I begin to pick them out when Baekhyun says something loudly. 

"Oh! Jongdae! You're drawing again?" 

Jongdae's eyes widen and he tries to grab for his note book but Minseok beats him too it.

"Woah~ Chanyeol look! It looks just like you! Look, the leaves are in your hair and everything!" 

I look at the notebook that's being shoved in my face and blush slightly at the artwork. It's me with leaves in my hair looking up at a tree branch with a single leaf on it. The details are amazing and I smile at it. Suddenly the picture is ripped away from my eye line and I'm staring at Minseok's face. 

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