Chapter Five: Inebriate

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Inebriate: Intoxicated; drunk

AKA: The best time to get the truth or from someone or their true feelings.

Side Note: The time line in the book is really screwy and I've given up on trying to make it make sense so's just not. In this alternate universe the days don't match up with ours I guess lmao...please don't judge me.


About two weeks later almost everything is back to the way that it was before that day. Kyungsoo was avoiding Minseok-hyung. Baekhyun and Melanie were still fighting but then loving each other every two seconds.

Then there is me and Jongdae.

It's not that everything isn't back to normal; it's just that I don't want it to be.

Everything is normal for everyone except me and its getting on my nerves. The only thing I can do about it is put my feelings into this song that I'm still working on. Honestly right now it just sounds like anger and frustration instead of the topic it should sound like: Love.

I've been staying late in the studio rooms too just to avoid seeing Jongdae. He only questioned it about a week after it began but I just told him that it was because of this song. He stopped asking after I said that. Kyungsoo comes into talk to me for about an hour or so but then gets called away by Minseok (which he acts angry about but I know he's not or he wouldn't go in the first place *eye roll*). Prof. Yoongi stays late sometimes just to see what my progress is but he doesn't help much cause he can't. All he says is that I "have a lot of emotions to sort out." Yeah. Like I don't know that.

Im getting irritated again.

I sigh and rub my temple and then throw my head back and spin around in the chair while looking at the ceiling. Then I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Calm down, Yeolie." I whisper to myself.

I open my eyes and get out of the chair to go make coffee. Hitting the home button on my phone I see that I have multiple text from Kyungsoo and some from Jongdae. Scrolling though the notifications I make my way to the snack room only to stop at one of the messages from Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo: Hey. Just wanted to let you know I saw Jongdae with that guy he's dating.

Kyungsoo: They are at the same bar as us.

Kyungsoo: Us being Me and Minseok.

Kyungsoo: Anyways. Jongdae looks really drunk and the guy he's with doesn't look any better...

Kyungsoo: I think you should either come do a hero move like in the dramas or go home and wait for Jongdae to come back to make sure he's okay.

Kyungsoo: Chanyeol?

Received 11: 26pm

I look at the time and see that its now midnight. I cringe and call Kyungsoo's number.

*Italics are the phone conversation* 


Um...who is this?

Oh! It's Minseok. Sorry Kyung is really drunk right now so I answered for him.

Oh okay. So sorry to ask but Jongdae still there?

He is.

Have you two talked to him?

No they haven't seen us. We are sitting where we can see everyone but little can see us. It was the only place Kyung would agree to sit.

Complicated || P.CY X K.JDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora